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Grey's Anatomy: 5 Reasons Why Cormac And Owen Would Have The Ultimate Bromance (& 5 It Would Be Cormac And Tom)

When Grey's Anatomy introduced Cormac Hayes as the new Head of Pediatrics, he was bound to ruffle some feathers with his no-nonsense approach to the job. However, he did make quick friends with the likes of Meredith and Jo, and soon found his footing in the hospital.

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Despite this, Cormac hasn't really had the time to form many other friendships, particularly with the other male doctors of the hospital. It would be interesting for the show to explore Cormac's friendships more, and what the dynamic of them would be like - especially with characters like Owen and Tom with whom he shares several similarities.

10 Cormac & Owen: History With Cristina

One of the more obvious links between both Cormac and Owen is the fact that they both know and have worked with Cristina Yang. Whilst Hunt admittedly had a tumultuous relationship with Yang, they ultimately ended things well and this would provide a clear connection between him and Cormac, who worked closely alongside Cristina in Switzerland. Outside of just working with Cristina, both men know her quite well and therefore they are bound to have many stories - and anecdotes - they could exchange, perhaps over a beer at the bar.

9 Cormac & Tom: Suffered Losses

One of the first things audiences learned of Cormac's character is that his wife tragically died, resulting in him uprooting his whole life and moving to Switzerland. While a heartbreaking situation, Cormac's loss could be a bonding point with Tom, who also suffered a loss when his son tragically died. This is in particular helped Cormac to bond with Meredith, and therefore could work in the same way with Tom, who has been notoriously private about his son's death. Having such an emotional thing in common could certainly help to bond the two, and perhaps even show fans a softer side to Tom which is not often seen.

8 Cormac & Owen: Hospital Romances

Owen has had his fair shares of relationships within the hospital - from Cristina, to Teddy, to Amelia and back to Teddy again. Therefore, he's no stranger to navigating a relationship at the workplace and perhaps could offer Cormac some guidance on his blossoming relationship with Meredith.

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It would be particularly interesting to see Owen offer advice, now that he and Teddy have finally settled down and he's no longer struggling with his own love-life, and helping Cormac with romance issues would be a sure path to a solid bromance.

7 Cormac & Tom: Dry Sense of Humor

Tom is known throughout the hospital for his dry - and often verging on rude - sense of humor, something that would bode well with Cormac, who has also been seen to exhibit similar humor that is quite sarcastic, and dry. The two would easily get along through sharing jokes that others wouldn't perhaps get. However, Cormac could also help Tom in this sense too - whilst the two share this trait, Cormac's humor is less reliant on making jokes at other people's expense and he could therefore show Tom that there are other ways to be funny without necessarily offending anyone.

6 Cormac & Owen: Working Fathers

Raising children while maintaining a full-time job as a doctor is no easy feat, which could be a particular bonding moment for both Cormac and Owen. Cormac often talks of his two teenage sons, and the struggles he faced parenting them whilst completing his residency - considering Owen has two younger children, Cormac could perhaps lend some useful insight on how to juggle the two. Seeing both men discuss their families would be sweet to see on screen and would definitely be something they could bond over that wasn't necessarily related to their work, and could lead to a solid friendship.

5 Cormac & Tom: On The Outside

Since his introduction to the show, Tom has commonly been a controversial character, which has often seen him ostracized from his fellow colleagues. Considering Cormac is still relatively new to the hospital, he has also had similar trouble fully integrating with the other doctors, outside of Meredith and Jo. The two of them could find this an easy in to becoming friends, and help each other become more settled within the hospital where there are already so many cemented friendships.

4 Cormac & Owen: Work Well With Teddy

Season 17 focused heavily on the Covid-19 pandemic and found Cormac working alongside Teddy when Meredith was admitted to the hospital. While their interactions have been otherwise limited, seeing the two of them work together to try and help their friend was sweet to see. Should the show continue to pair Teddy and Cormac together, it would become a good connection to build a bromance with Owen and Cormac, and would allow Owen to feel more comfortable around Cormac knowing that he works well with his partner. It would also allow Owen to respect Cormac on both a professional and personal level.

3 Cormac & Tom: Take Risks

Tom has been known to take risks within his job, whether that be to advance his career or to help a patient who has been denied help. During his short time on the show, Cormac has also shown that he's willing to take risks in order to help his patients.

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Through this, Cormac and Tom would work well together as not only doctors, but as friends too as they could recognize their compatibility within workplace and be able to share this trait in common. Considering the pressures that come with taking risks with their job, this factor would also be a good bonding point for the two to be able to vent to one another outside of work.

2 Cormac & Owen: Close With Meredith

Whilst Owen has a history of not always being the most reliable friend, he has always maintained a good friendship with Meredith, which in particular could help him bond with Cormac. Despite the will they/won't they nature of Cormac's relationship with Meredith, they have become good friends outside of any potential romance. The common ground of being friends with Meredith, alongside Cristina, could certainly provide a good starting point for a friendship considering they both already have friends in common, and could set Owen and Cormac up with plenty of stories to share.

1 Cormac & Tom: Honest

In Cormac's introductory episode, he was immediately shown to be very straightforward and honest with his patients, even if this meant having to tell children bad news. Similarly, throughout his time on the show, Tom has also been known to have an honest attitude towards his patients and colleagues alike. By sharing a personality trait like this, the two already have a good basis for a friendship in terms of compatibility, and it would be interesting for fans to finally see someone keep up with Tom's no-nonsense attitude.

Next: One Quote From 10 Main Characters In Grey's Anatomy That Perfectly Sums Up Their Personality

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