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Captain America Convinced The Hulk To Eat A Villain | Screen Rant

Captain America is considered an inspiration by many; a symbol of hope and determination that inspires both regular and superhuman people in everyday life and in battle. This example echoes out through the Marvel Multiverse, inspiring other versions of Captain America to follow this basic principle... although they've been known to inspire others in ways that one wouldn't expect.

In the Ultimate Universe - a parallel reality designed to tell modern Marvel stories without the burden of decades-long continuity - the Ultimates (this universe's version of the Avengers) discovered the alien Chitauri were attempting to take over the Earth, having failed back in World War II. In the series by Mark Millar and Bryan Hitch, the Ultimates discovered the alien race's long-term manipulation of Earth's people, their infiltration of the Triskelion and SHIELD, and even survived an assassination attempt which left thousands of soldiers dead and dozens of SHIELD helicarriers destroyed.

RELATED: The Hulk Has ONE Thing in Common With Captain America

Converging on the Chitauri's base in Arizona, their leader was revealed to be Captain America's old enemy Herr Kleiser, intent on destroying the Earth and its solar system with a doomsday weapon. While Thor and SHIELD's forces took to the skies to battle Chitauri ships, Captain America and the other Ultimates fought Kleiser and his remaining soldiers. Sadly, Cap sensed he was fighting a losing battle, which is when he chose to unleash the Hulk. Although the grey-green Goliath was not happy to see Captain America - who had defeated him on a previous occasion - the clever World War II hero redirected the Hulk's fury to battle his old enemy Herr Kleiser, and the battle ended when the Hulk decapitated and ate the Chitauri leader.

Cap was able to misdirect the Hulk's superhuman fury toward Kleiser by lying, telling Hulk that he had been seeing Bruce Banner's former partner Betty Ross. The naked Kleiser's shape-shifting and alien super-strength were no match for the Hulk, the superhuman embodiment of years of Banner's anger, inadequacy, fears, and anxieties. Although Nick Fury compliments Steve on his genius move, it's pretty unheroic, as Captain America has Bruce Banner thrown from a plane to trigger the transformation. But desperate times call for desperate measures, and Steve used his knowledge of the Ultimate Hulk's childlike intellect and cannibalistic rage to his advantage.

After giving Hulk time to wolf down the majority of the alien's body, Captain America lies again to get Hulk to attack the Chitauri ships above, which the furious but gullible Hulk is glad to smash. Once the Ultimates are victorious and save the world, the incarcerated Bruce Banner laments about his memories of the battle, expressing disgust at Hulk's pseudo-cannibalism when he's been a vegetarian for years. Happily, the story ends with things looking up for Bruce, as his display of power is enough for Betty Ross to suggest a possible conjugal visit.

NEXT: How Captain America Accidentally Became a Stripper MC

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