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10 Pieces Of Inside Out Fan Art That Make Us Feel | ScreenRant

Inside Out was released back in 2015 and follows the five personalities located within a little girl's head. Viewers watch as changes in her life affect how the personalities interact with one another and turn a happy child into a new sort of pre-teen sulkster. The different personalities learn how to work together and put Riley on a path to healing.

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Fans loved the film and how the different characters interacted with one another, which led to the creation of some incredible fan art. These pieces make us feel something inside of ourselves as the emotions we have come to life on our screens. Keep reading to learn about 10 pieces of Inside Out fan art that make us feel!

10 Joy Comes From Sadness

This artwork depicts Sadness coloring in a book that led to the bloom of some beautiful flowers. One of the key concepts in the movie is that sad emotions lead to empathy for others which can create a good memory.

This piece of artwork helps us feel that as we look upon the good that came from the gloom. The artist, Lashialee, was truly inspired by the film when they created this and let viewers see the message through a beautiful picture.

9 Video Games Bring Out A Wide Range Of Emotions

Anyone who plays video games understands the wide range of emotions that can be experienced during gameplay. Anger could spike after a loss, or a particularly horrifying scene could scare a player. This artwork makes us feel these emotions as we connect to the artwork in a way we never thought possible.

We love how this piece was set in a den-style room and little pieces of other Pixar magic are scattered throughout the frame. It opens our eyes to the many emotions we experience throughout the day and we can only thank the artist, Jenolab, for giving us this piece.

8 Mickey Mouse Has Various Personalities

This artist took the beloved Mickey Mouse and transformed him into the various personalities within the film. We see sadness, disgust, joy, anger, and fear transforming his appearance into something new. We love the feelings it evokes from inside of us as we relate to more than one of these on a daily basis.

The colors the artist used combined with the perfection of the different depictions is more than we could have asked for. We can almost see ourselves in this piece of art as we relate to it with the various emotions we experience.

7 Joy Helps Sadness

We already discussed the theme of the movie as Joy and Sadness learn to work together. This artist took this and twisted it to something we could feel as we see Joy helping her friend go on a bike ride. We can also relate to it in our own lives as we strive to lift others up who need our help, and look to friends when having a crisis in our own lives.

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It is a beautiful friendship that is often bumpy, but without others, we would be stuck in ruts forever. The artist, catharticaagh, created this piece with these values in mind and we couldn't be happier about it.

6 Life Is Crazy

We understand emotions and various personalities are difficult to understand, but this artist strived to simplify them for us. Viewers see smiles, tears, red-hot anger, and even vomit-worthy disgust in this piece of art.

It is easy to pinpoint our exact feelings when looking at this artwork that many might also describe as a personality chart. The extremes of our emotions are laid out on a silver platter and it is hard not to love the way in which this artist drew each of them.

5 Warmth Emanates From Joy

Joy is warm, gentle, and kind, which is exactly the type of thing that Sadness needs throughout the film. We love the way in which this artist used alternate media to give this comforting of a hurting soul an effervescent glow.

It makes us want to be held ourselves as we all have our own burdens to bear each day, whether it be work, school, or personal issues. This artist did great work as they managed to move a personality from our mind to a piece of paper.

4 Disgust Understands Food Aversions

Many people have an aversion to one food or another, which is why this artist created an image where Disgust is grossed out by broccoli... or is it candy? Disgust (and the caption of the peice) is not sure. We can all relate as we steer clear of certain foods like broccoli or seafood because their taste is less than pleasurable.

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It is hard not to love this work of art though as the unique fuzziness of this creation draws our eyes in to gain a closer look. We love Disgust's facial expression as she lays her eyes on the dreadful food and we can only commend this artist for their great work on this piece.

3 Anger Leaves Us Seeing Red

This fan did a closeup of Anger in all of his red glory as he appears to hold a grudge that is growing into hatred. The colors used in the background are what our minds see when we give in to this emotion.

This piece of art almost reminds us of a movie poster - something that would be created if Anger was going to star in his own action flick. This artist nailed his essence in this piece of art as a mixture of reds, yellows, and black brought this character to life as we felt his emotion.

2 Our Heads Are Filled To The Brim

This is one of our favorite pieces on this list as it takes the personalities from the film and lays them out in the shape of a head. They are all surrounded by positive words and phrases that are meant to lift us up no matter our emotions.

It helps us feel that no matter what might be going on inside of our heads, there is always another viewpoint that we could see instead. This artist did a phenomenal job of telling a story while creating the profile from words that are meant to lift us up.

1  Smiles Are Contagious

This is another example of Joy lifting Sadness's spirits and we love it because of the overall design. We have been on both sides of this piece of art as the one to help lift up a friend, and the friend who needed a bit of a pep talk.

The goal is to work together and this artwork depicts a harmonious world in a way that makes us all smile the longer we stare at it. The artist did a fantastic job on this piece as they created another exceptional piece of Inside Out fan art.

NEXT: 10 Adorable Baby Yoda Fan Art

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