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Seinfeld: 10 Facts You Didn't About Newman | ScreenRant

Newman is pure evil, Jerry has looked into his eyes. No sane person in their right mind would ever wish for a neighbor like Newman, someone who gives you fleas, takes your Chunky's without asking and pushes you to break up with the lovely Margaret. Jerry is to Newman, what Batman is to Joker. The two neighbors are each other's anti-thesis.

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Newman may be the definition of pure evil, yet if you take him away, Seinfeld's building, his neighborhood would be lost without him. Who would drink Jambalaya, who would care for Kramer and who would control the mail and thus the information?

Today, we bring you 10 facts about Newman, the mailman.

10 Newman Was Suicidal For Years

Newman threatened Kramer with suicide for years. According to Kramer, he wanted to kill himself because he had no job and no women. Newman would ring Kramer at 3 am in the night and call him up on the roof. We hear about this in "The Revenge".

Newman's way of killing himself was jumping from the second floor and faking it on the road. On a side note, audiences weren't given a shot at Newman in Season 2's "The Revenge". He was only voiced by Larry David, earlier. Actor Wayne Knight debuted with Newman in "The Suicide".

9 Big Mouth Newman Loves Drake's Coffee Cake

In "The Suicide", Jerry's creepy neighbor Martin tried to kill himself with pills. Only because of his girlfriend, Gina who couldn't stand him anymore and so she ended things with him. Martin was a toxic boyfriend who'd go on a rampage if he felt anyone looked at Gina, let alone talk to her. He was good friends with Newman and disliked Jerry.

Martin survived the suicide but went into a coma. Jerry took the opportunity to make with his girlfriend Gina. Newman was witness to the whole thing, so blackmailed Jerry with updating Martin. But once Jerry showed Newman Drake's Coffee Cake, he was sold. Unfortunately, Elaine broke the whole bribing mechanism down.

8 Newman Loves A Mean Jambalaya

Newman's love for mean Jambalaya is well known, he'll stick to the ordering procedure demanded by the Soup Nazi.

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In "The Soup Nazi", Newman is seen rushing to Yav Kassem's soup stall for a jambalaya. He marches out the stall, out of respect, fear and love for the Jambalaya. But once the Nazi moved to Argentina, Newman was emotionally shaken and ran home for a big pot to get the rest of the soup.

7 Newman First Despised Keith Hernandez, The Baseball Player

It was June 14, 1987, Mets-Phillies were enjoying a beautiful afternoon in the right field-stands when a crucial Hernandez error opened the door to a five-run Phillie's ninth. Hernandez's error eventually caused the Mets the game. Newman and Kramer were at this game and their day was ruined.

At the end of the game, as Newman and Kramer were coming down the ramp, Hernandez passed by them. Newman mocked at him saying, "Nice game, pretty boy." Hernandez in turn, spit at Kramer, which ricocheted off him to Newman's third rib and the fourth rib region.

The immutable laws of physics contradicted this account. Upon Jerry's demonstration and Keith's confession, the spitter was Roger McDowell, hiding behind the bushes. Turns out, Newman had poured a beer on his head.

6 Got A Ticket For A Defective Radar Detector

In "The Pitch", Newman traded his motorcycle helmet for a radar detector with Kramer. Only he didn't know it was defective. While driving home on the Palisades Parkway, his radar detector failed to detect the fuzz. He got a ticket as a result.

Newman took Kramer as his alibi to court to contest the ticket. As the two were seated, Newman came up with a suicide story as an excuse. He'd tell the judge, he was rushing home because Kramer wanted to kill himself for not becoming a banker. Kramer must be a banker!

Newman's fallible courtroom drama and Kramer's woozy head cost him $75 in the end.

5 Partnered With Kramer To Sell Used Records

In "The Old Man", Newman and Kramer partnered to sell used records. Ron's Records on Bleecker paid big cash for used records according to Newman. Yet, all they were offered were $5 for Don Ho Live in Honolulu, Jerry Vale Sings Italian Love Songs, and Sergio Mendes. The two promised to be back with something good.

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Jerry meanwhile saw a bunch of Sinatra classics up for grabs Mr. Field's house who called them garbage. The old coot was sitting on a mountain of gold, Kramer and Newman had to go there, cause a ruckus and get bitten and beaten up in the process.

4 Newman Was Overworked

In "The Old Man", it was revealed Newman was a United States postal worker. George and Jerry ticked him off by asking why postal workers went crazy, and shot people. Newman offered an exquisite explanation.

It was because the mail never stopped. It just kept coming and coming. There was never a let-up, the mail was relentless. The mail piled up more and more with each passing day. And the more he got out, the more kept coming in. His bar code reader even broke once on Publisher's Clearing House day.

3 When You Control The Mail, You Control The Information

In "The Lip Reader", Newman used his position at Job to threaten Jerry. The thing is, Jerry went with a girl who was deaf but could lip read. Somehow word got out about her and Newman came to Jerry to borrow her for two hours. There was a new supervisor at Newman's post office working behind the glass. Newman suspected his office was going to transfer him.

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As a mailman, Newman has made tall claims such as- "When you control the mail, you control the information", "I'll tell you in on a little secret about zip codes… they're meaningless."

2 Waited For Non-Fat Yogurt All His Life

Newman and his mailman buddies were addicted to the non-fat yogurt selling in the newly opened Frozen Yogurt store. There he sat with his buds and bragged about his evilness at work, how he'd sent a granny to the back of a line. Newman was quite thrilled with the non-fat yogurt. He'd waited for something like that his whole life. His favorite was the strawberry.

In the end, when the yogurt shop switched actually to non-fat thanks to Jerry's phone call to Giuliani's office. Newman was disheveled, he couldn't eat the new yogurt. He promised to get even for what Jerry had done to him.

1 Almost Went To Barber School

In "The Barber", Newman, while seated in the chair, says, "Once I find a barber, I stick with him". He's stuck with Uncle Enzo, the Italian barber for years. Newman also dishes out on how he wanted to be a barber, he almost went to barber school. He always felt he had a talent for it.

For a year's free haircut and a comb, Newman agreed to get Uncle Enzo a sample of Jerry's hair. The things is, Enzo suspected his nephew Gino has been giving Jerry haircuts behind his back. Newman faked a toilet emergency to enter Jerry's apartment, cut his hair and rushed back to Enzo. Gino's secret was thus out. Jerry later used a trimmer to get square with Newman.

NEXT: 10 Things That Only Real Seinfeld Fans Would Own

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