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Doctor Who: 9 Most Controversial Episodes On The Show

Running since close to six decades, Doctor Who continues to be a beloved sci-fi show with the ever-evolving Doctor who is a beacon of love, morality, and compassion. The Doctor is always teaching useful life lessons, especially about how to be good, but sometimes their efforts go awry as viewers don't take too well to certain episodes.

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Unfortunately placed banner ads, disturbing storylines, LGBTQ+ representation and the first woman Doctor were just some of the things that caused controversy over the course of the show's run so far.

9 Can You Hear Me?

Thirteen, Ryan, Yaz, and Graham delved deep into their dream world in "Can You Hear Me?" and had to voice their darkest fears in the episode, which led to Graham, the oldest of the fam, articulating the fear of his cancer returning, to which an astounded Doctor had little to say.

There was a bit of an outcry as this reaction of the Doctor was perceived as cold, indifferent and insensitive, as opposed to what the BBC was trying to convey — that sometimes one finds themselves in sensitive conversations that are hard to handle, even for an age old being like the Doctor who may be at an understandable loss for words.

8 Dark Water

One of Doctor Who's two-parter episodes that didn't go down well with audiences was "Dark Water," which depicted a scary theory about death between the Twelfth Doctor, Missy, and a science center called 3W.

Doctor Who got into hot water with almost 124 viewers after listening to the theory: that after death, corpses retain a certain level of consciousness to the point that they can feel burial and cremation, which leads them to whisper three words into the universe, namely "Don't cremate me."

7 Dalek

Early on in the New Who run, the show faced unrest from the British Board of Film Classifications as well as concerned parents who didn't like how a lone Dalek had been treated by Christopher Eccleston's Ninth Doctor.

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The fate meted out to the Dalek was met with trepidation as the show has a large audience comprising children, who might pick up bullying techniques similar to this and translate it onto real life and school activities.

6 Love And Monsters

Doctor Who has many Doctor Lite episodes which features less of the Time Lord and companion, and other one-off stories about other characters who have their own alien shenanigans going on.

In "Love And Monsters", the relationship between Elton Pope and his girlfriend Ursula is depicted, who unfortunately gets turned into a just a face on a pavement slab. The last comment about how the two even manage to have a love life made audiences pretty upset about the dirty Doctor Who joke.

5 Deep Breath

The Twelfth Doctor has many unpopular opinions about him, and controversy plagued him from his debut episode "Deep Breath." Madame Vastra, the half-human, half-lizard alien shared a kiss with her human wife Jenny for the first time on screen, after being depicted as lovers for almost three years.

This angered homophobic viewers who raised complaints with the BBC Trust about promoting a pro-gay agenda and bias, but it was largely ignored due to the prejudiced nature of the complaints.

4 The Time Of Angels

Hailed as one of the best Amy Pond episodes on Doctor Who, "The Time Of Angels" also had one of the most gripping cliffhangers with Eleven making their way out a trap set for him by the Weeping Angels, with a stellar monologue no less.

What ruined the episode for fans was not anything about the show itself, but the BBC's bad timing in rolling out an animated Graham Norton banner ad right as the tense cliffhanger played out, right on top of Matt Smith's face, irritated people and led to many complaints and mocking on Twitter.

3 The Stolen Earth

More than contention or anger, this episode with the Tenth Doctor created frenzy. In one of the scenes, a telephone number for the TARDIS flashed across the screen, which led to almost 2,500 fans trying to call the number in the hopes of getting a DW Easter egg.

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Unfortunately for them, the number was not a real one but a disconnected contact that had been chosen by the showrunners to use on the episode.

2 All Episodes With The Thirteenth Doctor

There was a very vocal section of Doctor Who fans who rejected the idea of a female Doctor on the show, despite the early introduction of the Master as Missy during Twelve's tenure.

As Jodie Whittaker stepped into Thirteen's shoes, she was met with a mixture of encouragement as well as naysaying from viewers who felt that the Doctor belonged only to men, which she proved wrong with her stellar performance on the show.

1 Spyfall

The Thirteenth Doctor has some high-ranked episodes by IMDb, and this is one of them, but it faced several problems with race and casting along with its Nazi-based storyline.

While people celebrated the diverse casting of Sacha Dhawan as the Master, it made no sense that he would be a Nazi soldier as a person of color (which was explained away by a perception filter). Things got brutal when Thirteen turned off the filter, leaving him at the mercy of racists and Nazis which was pretty offensive to many people.

NEXT: 15 Things You Didn't Know About Time Lords On Doctor Who

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