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Star Wars: 9 Scenes That Make Viewers Nervous When Rewatching`

The Star Wars franchise is filled with tense, breathtaking, and heartbreaking scenes that have as much of an emotional impact on the 100th rewatch as they did the first time audiences saw them. Every fan has those moments that cause them to hold their breath or get a little nervous as they approach.

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Across all of the various films, Star Wars has always done an excellent job of showcasing compelling characters and putting them in dire situations. As fans rewatch their favorite characters face perilous situations and make critical choices, they cannot help but feel nervous, knowing the outcomes and consequences that come with those decisions.

9 Trapped In The Trash Compactor

One of the tensest scenes in the original trilogy comes in the first film as the heroes unwittingly jump into a trash compactor in order to evade storm troopers. The walls slowly close in on the characters, getting dangerously close to killing them before C-3PO shuts off the compactor. That's not even to mention the danger of the Dianoga.

While fans obviously know that the main characters do not all die that quickly in the movie, it is still impossible to watch the scene without feeling a little nervous. The scene is so well filmed, maximizing the tension and claustrophobia, that it is still highly effective even after many rewatches.

8 The Destruction Of Scarif

Because Rogue One is set before the events of the original trilogy, fans knew there was a possibility that many of the characters would not survive the film. But few people were prepared for the emotional impact that the final scene on Scarif has as the majority of the characters are killed.

After spending the entire movie growing attached to the characters, having them all ripped away in a matter of minutes is devastating for fans. Because they know what is about to happen, the scene can be difficult to rewatch. Thankfully, fans are at least going to get more of Cassian Andor soon.

7 The Final Showdown

The final showdown between Luke, Darth Vader, and the Emperor is a masterclass in tension building as each character enters the scene with a clear agenda that conflicts with the other characters' goals. As the three attempt to convince one other to join their side, audiences watch nervously as they root for the light side to win out.

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Despite knowing how the scene is going to play out, the conflict and drama are so well done that audiences can't help but feel nervous as they wait for Darth Vader to turn back to the light side and complete the best storyline in the original trilogy.

6 Anakin Massacres A Tusken Raider Village

Going into the prequels, fans knew that Anakin would eventually turn to the dark side, but watching his descent into darkness was still difficult and emotionally impactful to watch. One of the first major turning points in his journey comes as he massacres an entire Tusken Raider village in a fit of rage following the death of his mother.

The scene depicts one of the most disturbing things he ever did. The brutality and malice of Anakin's actions make the scene hard to watch and the fact that he knows what he did was wrong makes it even more difficult to rewatch. It is the beginning of the end for Anakin and understandably makes fans squeamish to watch.

5 The Reylo Kiss

The relationship between Kylo Ren and Rey is a controversial topic with some fans accepting the relationship and others rejecting it. But as the sequel trilogy drew to a close, it became increasingly clear that the story was building to an emotional climax revolving around the couple. The two finally share a kiss just before Kylo dies.

The scene is a release of the tension that has been built up over the course of three movies. For fans of Reylo, the scene is butterfly-inducing and tense. For those who reject the relationship, the moment is nerve-racking for the wrong reasons. Either way, the dramatic kiss is a moment that makes most fans nervous.

4 Obi-Wan Having The High Ground

While Obi-Wan's declaration that he has the high ground has become one of the funniest memes from the prequels, the scene in which Obi-Wan faces off against Anakin is one of the best and most heartbreaking moments in the entire franchise.

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Knowing that Anakin's rage and hubris are about to lead him to make a giant mistake that will alter the course of the galaxy is difficult to watch. Obi-Wan's clear pain and disappointment in his friend only adds to the nerves that fans feel when this scene begins to play.

3 I Am Your Father

Even though it has become one of the most famous moments in movie history, Darth Vader's revelation of his true identity to Luke Skywalker remains a poignant and impactful scene when viewed in context. In one singular moment, Luke's entire world is turned upside down as he learns his father is alive, his enemy is his family, and his mentor intentionally withheld this information.

The pained expression on Luke's face, the plea from Vader for Luke to join him, and the brutality of slicing off Luke's hand all come together to create a tense and captivating moment that still has fans holding their breath no matter how many times they watch.

2 Han Talks To Kylo

One of the most emotionally devastating moments in the franchise comes as Han Solo makes an ill-fated attempt to redeem his son, Kylo Ren, resulting in Kylo murdering his own father while Rey and Chewbacca watch helplessly.

Shocking, sickening, and deeply sad, the scene is a powerful moment that closes out a beloved character's story. Knowing the pain and tragedy that is about to unfold onscreen, fans cringe every single time they see Han crossing that bridge to meet with his misguided son.

1 Anakin Kills The Younglings

While there are many scenes that make Star Wars nervous to watch, nothing compares to the moment when Darth Vader helped execute Order 66 by going into the Jedi Temple and killing all the Jedi he could find, including a room full of younglings.

This is one of the darkest scenes in the franchise as Darth Vader kills a group of small children who are scared and trusting him to save them. It is a heartbreaking moment that makes fans nervous to rewatch every single time.

NEXT: The 10 Best Duos From The Star Wars Prequel Trilogy

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