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Cinderella (2021): Which Character Are You, Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

Amazon Prime's take on Cinderella makes a few major changes to the classic story, from the Fabulous Godmother to Ella's dream of owning her own business (not just getting married). Unsurprisingly, a big part of these changes was to expand the characters themselves, giving them more depth and nuance. Cinderella/Ella isn't the only one who has bigger dreams than her original counterpart, the Stepmother has a backstory of her own, and even the Prince is more than just a handsome royal.

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Because of this new depth, it's easier to see how each of the characters in the new Cinderella line up with the signs of the zodiac. While the original characters are a little too simplistic to really fit any of the star signs, these new versions are definitely more interesting to compare to the stars.

12 Aries - Prince Robert

When Prince Robert is first introduced, he seems like a bit of a brat, more interested in going 'drunk hunting' with his friends than finding a wife or learning to rule. However, he is slowly revealed to have hidden depths, but to be stubborn, passionate, and willing to face a challenge head-on (like telling his father that he would only hold a ball if every woman could attend). This marks him as a classic Aries: headstrong, willing to stand up to anyone, passionate, and often with more depth than people first think.

11 Taurus - The Mice (James, John, Romesh)

The mice actually get a little less depth than the animated Disney versions do, and really only have scenes focused on them when the Fabulous Godmother turns them into coachmen and footmen to take Ella to the Ball. At this point, the Mice provide some comic relief as they figure out how to be human - but there is more to them that makes them closest to Taurus as a sign. They are hard workers (especially when they step up to help Ella), and they are loyal and true, just like the Bull of the zodiac.

10 Gemini - Fabulous Godmother

Rather than the kindly old lady fairy of the animation, this Cinderella has a Fabulous Godmother who strides in on sky-high heels - and who started out as a butterfly that Ella saved. This transformation may be the thing that pegs the Godmother most as a Gemini, as Gemini are known for being people who are able to easily transform and show different sides of themselves to the world. Beyond that, though, they are emotionally intelligent, kind, and expressive - just like the Fabulous Godmother who truly understands what Ella needs.

9 Cancer - Queen Beatrice

In the original animated Cinderella, there was no Queen (although she does appear in some of the animated sequels) but she is a major character in Prime's version of the story. Here, she is a strong and loving woman, a wife who calls her husband out and who wants to stand up for her children and what they want. This protection and family-oriented personality marks her as a Cancer, the emotional, loving, protective sign of the zodiac. And she can definitely get her claws out when needs be!

8 Leo - King Rowan

King Rowan is a clear Leo - like the Lion of the zodiac, he is extremely concerned with his pride and his appearance, and with making sure that other people think highly of him. Of course, this causes problems, as it leads to him neglecting his wife and trying to force his son into a marriage that he doesn't want! However, his Leo self-assurance ends up winning out in the end, as he is willing to let his son do what he wishes, and to make a fool of himself singing for his wife.

7 Virgo - Vivian

The stepmother gets some surprising depth in this new take, as she is transformed from a cruel and selfish woman to one who honestly does want the best for her daughters - but who is twisted by bitterness at how the pursuit of her own dreams led to nothing.

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She is, at her core, deeply practical, trying to remind her daughters that they must marry money if they want to live comfortably - and this makes her a Virgo. The most practical sign of the zodiac, Virgos are also perfectionists, and can definitely come across as critical, despite their best intentions.

6 Libra - Narissa

The stepsisters don't get too much attention, and are still largely one-dimensional, with Narissa being a sister who is overly concerned with her appearance. She is also seen to be fair-minded, though, as she suggests her stepmother is too hard on Ella, and treats her fairly well, compared to her family. Because of these traits, she could be nothing other than a Libra, the sign most in love with all things beautiful, and most concerned with fairness and equality.

5 Scorpio - Malvolia

The second stepsister, Malvolia, gets the least attention of the main characters, and is essentially just shown to be unpleasant. As Scorpios are often (jokingly) seen as the 'villains' of the zodiac, though, this makes some sense. Malvolia is also shown with a degree of passion and intensity (in her few lines, and in her shoving her sister out of the way), and Scorpios are known for having both traits themselves.

4 Sagittarius - Ella

Ella is a difficult one to place, as in many ways, she has the best traits of all the signs of the zodiac - however, the sign she fits most completely is Sagittarius. Sagittarius is known as the sign of optimism, adventure, and extraversion, the people who are most likely to travel and follow their dreams.

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And of course, as Ella ends up traveling the world with her Prince, building her name as Dresses By Ella, she is a perfect fit. Throw in her optimistic belief in her dreams, and her outgoing nature (even talking back to the King!), and it's hard to imagine her as anything else.

3 Capricorn - Princess Gwen

Princess Gwen is a new addition to the classic cast for this movie, as the younger sister of the Prince who is actually a far better future ruler for the Kingdom. Gwen is shown to be very independent and intelligent and comes up with incredible ideas for making the kingdom better. She is also persistent and organized - just like a Capricorn. Capricorns are known for their persistence (like when Gwen is pushing to get a seat at the table), and for their independence and drive.

2 Aquarius - Town Crier

Another character created for this version of the tale, the Town Crier appears at the center of many of the musical numbers, announces town events, and moves the tale along - although his character isn't explored in any real depth, which makes it hard to really pin him down to a single sign. However, as Aquarius are known as the outgoing, out of the box, expressive sign, it makes sense to consider the Town Crier an Aquarius. After all, he quite literally marches to the beat of his own drum!

1 Pisces - Count Wilbur

Finally, Count Wilbur, the Prince's best friend, would be a Pisces. Like this water sign, Wilbur is empathetic and quite wise, and one of the few people who truly understands the Prince from the start. He supports his friend and is defined by his friendship - but he isn't afraid to go to the King too, and to help the Prince find Ella in the end.

NEXT: The 10 Best Musical Numbers In Cinderella 

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