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Seinfeld: 10 Things That Would Be Different For Elaine Today

While Elaine's clothing and hairstyle feel very '90s on Seinfeldmany of her storylines are totally contemporary as she navigates dating, being in the workplace, and spending time with her friends. There are many moments when fans would believe that the show was set in present-day, whether Elaine is miserable at a party or complaining about someone not using an exclamation mark when writing down a phone message.

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Seinfeld's Elaine isn't always the picture of maturity, but fans are heavily invested in her character arc on the popular sitcom. From how she would approach social media to her career and love life, how would Elaine's life look if the show was set in 2021?

10 She Would Wonder If Someone Was "Dating App Worthy"

In the season 7 episode 'The Sponge,' Elaine realizes that her favorite contraceptive is very limited, and so she rates potential lovers as "spongeworthy."

If Seinfeld was set in 2021, Elaine would definitely still be selective about who she dates, but she would have moved on from sponges and she would consider people "dating app worthy." She wouldn't enjoy online dating, and, if she was going to go on a date with a stranger, she would put them through a few tests while chatting with them. This would help her decide whether or not she wants to meet them.

9 She Would Work For An Online Publication

Elaine works in book publishing fairly steadily, and she changes jobs a few different times, working for Mr. Pitt and then being hired to work at the J. Peterman Company.

Elaine would work for an online publication today, whether working in news, entertainment journalism, or maybe a lifestyle brand. She would find that there are so many opportunities available to her, and she would be happy about that.

8 She Would Love Postmates

Elaine pretends to live in another apartment building when she wants to order flounder from a Chinese restaurant. This season 8 storyline is funny, as it's amazing to see the lengths that she goes to in order to eat a favorite dish.

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If the sitcom was set in present-day, Elaine would likely get restaurant and fast food delivered, and she would love a service like Postmates. She would use it all the time and talk about how great it was with friends and strangers, and Jerry would joke about her love for getting dinner delivered.

7 The Little Kicks Would Be On TikTok

In season 8, fans see Elaine's dance moves, and, while genuinely loves to dance, other people aren't so sure that she's got skills. Jerry and George refer to her dancing as "the little kicks," which is also the title of this beloved episode. This is one of the most hilarious Elaine Seinfeld storylines.

If the show was set in the present-day, Elaine would upload a video of her dancing on TikTok, and it would go viral. People would enjoy trying out the little kicks for themselves and she would eventually be in on the joke and wouldn't mind.

6 She Would Feel More Confident About Her Decision Not To Have Children

There are a few moments on Seinfeld when Elaine's choice to be childfree comes up. She throws her friend a baby shower in one episode and she and Jerry discuss how many people decide to become parents.

If Elaine was on this show now, it seems likely that she would find more peace and confidence in her decision, as being childfree has become more accepted in recent years. It would still be a topic that she has to talk about, but she might have an easier time.

5 She Would Get Into Fights On Twitter

It's interesting to imagine how the Seinfeld characters would respond to social media. Twitter would be a particularly fascinating platform for them to use, as it's all about connecting with others, sharing articles, and, sometimes, getting into arguments.

It's easy to see Elaine getting into Twitter fights on a regular basis. She's opinionated and strong-willed, and she wouldn't be able to stop herself from asking strangers what they mean and defending her points of view.

4 She Would Become Upset About An Instagram Post

In the season 9 episode 'The Cartoon,' a cartoon in the New Yorker bothers Elaine, and she makes a trip to the office to talk to the editor about it. She doesn't end up getting any answers.

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Seinfeld often focuses on the Jerry/Elaine friendship and the '90s sitcom also regularly delves into Elaine's quirks. If the show was on the air today, it seems likely that Elaine would find fault with an Instagram post, and she would be confused enough to message the creator/influencer behind it. They would get into an argument and she would complain about the world of social media.

3 No One Would Believe Her When She Makes Up Susie

Season 8 finds Elaine making up a co-worker who she calls Susie. It's a strange storyline, and she doesn't seem to have much of a real reason to do so.

A 2021 Elaine wouldn't be so successful with her lie. Her co-workers and boss would say that Susie definitely doesn't exist, as they wouldn't be able to find her on social media and there would be no trace of her on the Internet. It's hard to imagine this working out for her now.

2 She Would Publish The Soup Nazi's Recipes Online

Fans can watch some Seinfeld episodes many times, and the season 7 episode 'The Soup Nazi' is one of the most famous. In the end, Elaine told the restaurant owner that she was going to let everyone know about his recipes, as the two of them don't get along and she can really hold a grudge.

If Seinfeld was set in 2021, Elaine would definitely make good on her promise and she would create a website with these recipes. She would frame them as "easy, healthy recipes that you can make at home," as that's been a trend in recent years, and people would constantly message her, praising her for the recipes.

1 She Would Follow All Of Jerry's Girlfriends On Instagram

Often, when Jerry is dating someone new, Elaine has a problem with them, whether it's an aspect of their personality or, as in the case of the episode 'The Shoes,' she doesn't like when Jerry's ex compliments her shoes.

Elaine would follow everyone Jerry dates on Instagram, and she would be careful with her likes and comments, as she wouldn't always think that the person deserved them. She would annoy Jerry by constantly bringing up what his girlfriends are doing, and she would check social media pretty obsessively.

NEXT: 10 Most Heartwarming Scenes On Seinfeld

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