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Harry Potter: 10 Chocolate Frog Cards You Never Knew Existed

The Chocolate Frog Cards are collectible items present inside the confection of the same name — each one depicts the most well-known wizards and witches in the Harry Potter universe. The moving images are accompanied by a short description of the character's history and accomplishments, as well as their hobbies.

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The aim of these cards is nothing more than an extension of magical consumerism: convincing people to purchase the sweet in order to obtain a complete set. There are at least a hundred Chocolate Frog Cards described, including Hags, Vampires, Giants, Goblins, Dragons, Magical Creatures, and Quidditch Players.

10 Celestina Warbeck

Celestina Warbeck is one of the most famous musicians in the Wizarding World, also referred to by her epithet, "The Singing Sorceress." Her popularity is such that her concerts are always fully packed, and obtaining tickets for any of them is almost impossible (unless one has the money to go through scalpers.)

Interestingly, Celestina uses a small group of banshees as her back-up chorus, but how she trains them to perform is a mystery. She happens to be one of Molly Weasley's personal idols.

9 Urg The Unclean

The reason that this Goblin manages to find himself a Chocolate Frog Card dedicated to his accomplishments is because of the role he plays in a series of rebellions in the mid-1700s.

Apparently, this revolutionary attitude only emerges after a gang of miscreant magic-users humiliates him for no reason other than being a member of his species. The impact Urg has had on the world is significant enough that he receives a detailed mention in the History of Magic subject taught at Hogwarts.

8 Viktor Krum

Viktor Krum is one of the youngest recipients of his honor, having claimed fame as a prolifically talented Quidditch player at the national level before even graduating from Durmstrang.

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In fact, the World Cup final match depicted in The Goblet of Fire proves exactly why Krum deserves to be on a Chocolate Frog Card since he basically saves his team from being utterly shamed by Ireland (by snatching the Golden Snitch at the last minute). According to the extended canon, his last Quidditch match, around 20 years later, wins Bulgaria the World Cup.

7 Bertie Bott

One of the most common household names is that of Bertie Bott; probably the only one who hasn't had anything to do with skill, politics, or infamy.

He invents the iconic Every Flavor Beans at some point in the 1900s, almost entirely by accident — during a research project to produce confectionary, he somehow blends in a couple of filthy socks, resulting in his famous tag line: "A risk with every mouthful." Very little is clear about his life aside from this.

6 Newt Scamander

Originally sorted into Hufflepuff, the gentle Newt Scamander is best known for his acclaimed book, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (also a set of movies expanding on the Harry Potter universe.)

The work he has done in the field of Magizoology takes some time to receive the appreciation it deserves, as most of his early life is filled with a recurring series of avoidable blunders. Then there is also his involvement in the fight against Gellert Grindelwald and his eugenic philosophy, and Dumbledore himself depends greatly on Newt for the same.

5 Morgana Le Fay

This Chocolate Frog Card commemorates one of the greatest "villains" in English mythology — the sinister witch, Morgana le Fay, who fought against King Arthur (her brother.)

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She is considered to be among the most powerful magic practitioners of her time, seeing as she had the capability to outmaneuver wizards like Merlin. In fact, Morgana appears quite regularly in card form, because Ron mentions that he has "about six" of her.

4 Armando Dippet

Professor Armando Dippet plays the role of Hogwarts headmaster right before Dumbledore. He shows up on multiple occasions, usually having to do with Lord Voldemort.

For instance, he participates in the whole chamber of secrets debacle in the 1940s, when he baselessly expels Hagrid for something that Tom Riddle does (releasing the Basilisk and killing Moaning Myrtle.) He survives for a few decades after stepping down from his post, passing away in the course of Harry's second school year.

3 Miranda Goshawk

Miranda Goshawk is famed for her collection of highly organized descriptions of spells for students, published as The Standard Book of Spells. In addition to Hogwarts, it seems that other magical academies also include it as a compulsory component of their syllabus.

Her Chocolate Frog Card privilege also incorporates the fact that she has penned a complex treatise on Herbology, a subject quite distinct from Charms (in which she displays the most proficiency.)

2 Mungo Bonham

Absent from the movies entirely is a major hospital in the Wizarding World, St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. This medical institution was founded by Mungo Bonham in the 17th century, whose healing skills were once believed to be without par.

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If Madam Pomfrey is unable to successfully cure Hogwarts students, which is a rare situation by itself, they are sent to St. Mungo's, where their afflictions are almost always resolved, and very quickly. Only those with permanent injuries, like Gilderoy Lockhart, are kept under observation.

1 Harry Potter

Of course, Harry Potter is going to get his own Chocolate Frog Card, given that he has achieved in a few years what many great wizards and witches take lifetimes to do.

He has defeated or escaped Lord Voldemort on several occasions, saved his Godfather from an army of Dementors, destroyed multiple Horcruxes, and overall proven himself to be a masterful wizard. Obviously, there is no way he could have succeeded at all this without the help of Ron and Hermione (which is why also appear in the card series.)

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