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Game Of Thrones: 10 Things Book Fans Only Know About Daenerys

The cast of characters in Game of Thrones is massive, but there is arguably no more important or central character within the storyline than the mother of dragons, Daenerys Targaryen. Daenerys began her journey as a timid and shy young girl and ended it as the destroyer of worlds. However, despite the fact that she was one of the main characters of the show, there are still elements of her book characterization that were left out.

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Some of these omissions were minor, others were major, but they all add to the dimension and complexity of Daenerys as a character. So what tidbits about Dany are only known by book fans?

10 She Has Purple Eyes

Although Daenerys is extremely distinctive looking in the TV series itself, she and the rest of the Targaryens are actually described as having even more unusual features in the books. They are all born with silver or golden hair, and their eye color is typically a shade of purple.

Dany is no exception here, but for the Game of Thrones television adaptation it appears that they chose to omit the violet contact lenses for Emilia Clarke.

9 She Benefits From Slavery

In the TV show, Daenerys is eventually compelled to allow slavery to restart in Meereen, although she sets the parameters that these slavery contracts can only last for a year and need to be renewed by those who sell themselves if they choose.

In the books, Dany's path is a bit darker. She does do the same thing in allowing slaves to sell themselves into slavery, but she also taxes the sale and takes a cut of the profits.

8 She's Shockingly Young

Daenerys is very young in the start of Game of Thrones anyway, but in the books she is even younger than that. When she marries Drogo she's only 13 years old, and she realizes that she is pregnant with Rhaego on her 14th birthday.

Understandably, the show aged her and the rest of the characters up by a few years. Author George R.R. Martin made the characters much younger in the books because he planned on a 5 year time jump at one point, but that plan was ultimately scrapped.

7 She Had A Father Figure In Ser Willem Darry

The show is a bit murky about Daenerys' life before the series actually begins, but the books illuminate exactly how a baby Daenerys and a young Viserys managed to survive after escaping Westeros.

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In the years after Daenerys and Viserys fled to Essos, they were cared for and raised by Ser Willem Darry, a Targaryen loyalist who kept the last living children of the Mad King alive. But, Ser Willem died when Daenerys was a child.

6 She Dreams Of A House With A Red Door

In the books, Daenerys has happy memories of childhood, but her memories are also a bit muddled, hazy, and can be very confusing.

At the start, what she longs for more than anything is home, and what she thinks of as home is a house with a red door in the city of Braavos where she lived as a child. After her caretaker Willem Darry died, she and Viserys were thrown out of the house, something that has haunted her ever since.

5 She Was Extremely Well Traveled Even Before Marrying Drogo

When Daenerys first meets Drogo, she is staying with magister Illyrio Mopatis in his palatial home in the Free City of Pentos, and of course she then takes off with the Dothraki horde across Essos.

However, she was pretty well traveled before marrying Drogo too, she had lived in nearly every one of the Free Cities at some point, never staying in one place for too long.

4 Quaithe Is Constantly Guiding Her

Quaithe is a character who makes a brief and extremely mysterious appearance in Game of Thrones, only to never be heard from or mentioned again afterwards.

But in the books she is much more important. She is a sort of spirit guide for Daenerys who occasionally appears as an apparition to her to either warn her or instruct her with prophecies to tell her what she must do, where she must go, or who she can or cannot trust.

3 Her Dragon Eggs May Have Come From Elissa Farman

Magister Illyrio gives Daenerys her three dragon's eggs as a wedding gift, and he says that they have come from the Shadow Lands beyond Asshai. That is a popular origin myth for the dragons themselves, however it's likely that they're actually eggs that were stolen from the Targaryens years ago.

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A sailor named Elissa Farman was close with the Targaryens, and she stole three dragon eggs before setting sail to find out what was west of Westeros.

2 She Dreams Of Being A Dragon

In the TV show, it's clear that Daenerys possesses some sort of innate knowledge or understanding of how to bring dragons back into the world, but in the books her journey towards reawakening these beasts is much clearer.

She has very vivid dreams called dragon dreams, that are vague and symbolic but also seem to hint to her how exactly she can hatch her dragon eggs, and in them she sometimes dreams that she herself is a dragon.

1 She's Not The Only Targaryen Vying For The Throne

One of the most drastic changes to the story in general as well as a huge change to Dany's storyline is the omission of Young Griff, a boy who believes that he is Aegon Targaryen, the eldest son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Elia Martell.

It's clear that Daenerys' invasion of Westeros is going to be a big moment in the books, but she is not the only character who wants to use their Targaryen lineage to claim the Iron Throne.

NEXT: Game Of Thrones: 5 Times Jon Snow Should Have Died (& Why He Didn't)

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