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Buffy The Vampire Slayer: 10 Short-Term Love Interests Who Deserved More

Buffy the Vampire Slayer was never a series that focused heavily on romance outside of Buffy's epic relationships with Angel and then later with Spike. It's understandable given that it's not a particularly romantic show, however it would have been intriguing had the show explored some relationships outside of it's major love stories.

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There were quite a few love interests introduced into the show's narrative throughout it's seven seasons, but most of these love interests came and went quickly, or didn't get much development outside of their brief appearances. But which of these characters deserved a bit more attention and evolution?

10 RJ Brooks

RJ Brooks is a character who was introduced for a one-off episode where his enchanted jacket made every woman in his immediate vicinity fall in love with him. Dawn was his first Scooby gang victim, but as all of the ladies were introduced to him, they also began feeling the effects of his magical charm.

It seems like his character had potential beyond that though, as was rare to actually get some insight into Dawn's experience as a high schooler, and it would have been interesting to see his character develop beyond his magical attraction abilities.

9 Scott Hope

Scott Hope was a love interest that Buffy had after she was forced to kill Angel to save the world, and unfortunately it felt like that's all he really was.

He was sweet and nice, but had no actual personality to speak of, and it seemed like he was introduced into the narrative to solely be the guy that Buffy is awkwardly dating when Angel returns from hell.

8 Sam Finn

To be honest, when Riley Finn left Buffy behind, most people weren't sad to see him go. However when he returned, it was a bit of a shock to discover that he was actually married to someone else already.

Although his wife Sam only appeared for Riley's lone returning episode, she was honestly more interesting in that one episode than Riley had been for his entire character arc. It wouldn't have hurt to let her stick around for a little while longer.

7 Owen Thurman

Pretty much from the moment they met, it was obvious that Buffy and Angel were meant to be. And unfortunately that meant that there were a lot of characters who just felt like forgettable love interests getting in the way of Buffy and Angel.

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Owen Thurman was the first, but he was also one of the most interesting. Not only was he intelligent and unique for a high school boy, but he actually wanted to experience Buffy's life as a slayer.

6 Parker Abrams

Parker Abrams was the actual worst, but that also made him a slightly more interesting character than the typical dude who showed an interest in Buffy.

Buffy's awesome and everyone knows it, so her love interests are usually way more into her than she is into them. Parker was a jerk, but he could have been an interesting foil character to Buffy, one of Buffy's other love interests, or one of the other Scoobies.

5 Kennedy

It was great to see Willow start to heal and move on from Tara's death, however it seems like Buffy the Vampire Slayer is just too good at portraying epic romances.

Much like what happened with Buffy over and over, it sort of felt like Kennedy was a character who was introduced as Willow's non-Tara love interest. It would have been interesting to see her develop more as a character individually.

4 Harmony Kendall

Despite being a vapid mean girl, Harmony Kendall still deserved a better boyfriend than Spike. It would have been nice to see their relationship develop some sort of equity, but it also would have been nice to just keep Harmony around because she's hilarious.

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She made a much stronger impression than the average short term love interest, and the show should have leaned into that a bit more.

3 Jenny Calendar

Jenny Calendar was undoubtedly one of the most memorable and high-impact deaths throughout the entire series.

However, in retrospect it feels like her relationship with Giles developed specifically so that her death would be even more painful, and it seems like their romance was created with that in mind. If they had given her even more development and given her relationship with Giles even more room to breathe, her death would have likely been even more intense.

2 Drusilla

Given how important Dru was to the development of Angel as a character as well as the fact that she literally made Spike into the vampire he is, it would have been great to see more of her.

She seems more like an object of obsession for Spike and Angel, so it would have been awesome to see her evolve more as an individual as well as explore more of her backstory with Spike, Angel, and Darla.

1 Darla

Darla's appearance on Buffy the Vampire Slayer was incredibly brief, and killing her off so quickly seems like an incredibly unfortunate decision given what an amazing character she developed into on Buffy's spinoff series Angel.

Darla is one of the best characters in the entirety of the Buffyverse, and her portrayal on Buffy as little more than Angel's sire and ex-girlfriend really didn't delve into everything that Darla could and should be.

NEXT: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Which Avatar Element Would Each Main Character Bend?

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