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Harry Potter: 5 Things The Films Got Right About Hermione (& 5 They Got Wrong)

Hermione Granger is one of the most integral and essential parts of the Harry Potter franchise. From the moment she walks into Harry's life, it is clear that Hermione is an academic person and one filled with curiosity for the wizarding world. After saving her from a Troll, Harry and Ron become friends with Hermione, which is the beginning of a life-long friendship. However, Hermione doesn't just exist to help Harry's story - she also has plenty going on in her life as she develops and continues to learn.

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The films had to ensure that certain aspects of Hermione's personality were accurate and loyal to the books. However, not everything managed to fit, and Hermione's character, while true in some aspects, lacked crucial moments of her growth.

10 Right: Obliviate

Since Hermione is Muggle-born, she and her parents did not learn magic was real until Hermione was 11. Afterward, Hermione attended Hogwarts to teach her how to use her abilities, while her parents stayed in the Muggle world.

Hermione was one of Harry's closest friends, and her parents being Muggles could put them at risk to be found by Death Eaters. To protect her parents, Hermione removed all their memories of her and modified them to change their names and their desire to move to Australia.

9 Wrong: House Elves

After watching Winky, Hermione is disgusted to learn how House Elves are treated. Seeing how excited and happy Dobby is to be a free elf, Hermione follows that lead and is determined to free House Elves or make their conditions better. Hermione invents S.P.E.W. as a way to help House Elves.

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Regardless of if the storyline was cut for time or because it wasn't vital to Harry's story, this development and desire for equality for other magical creatures isn't a part of Hermione's drive in the movies. Instead, Hermione's film counterpart spends most of her time ensuring that Harry survives the school year.

8 Right: Loyal Friend

In both the books and movies, Hermione is a very loyal friend. Arguably, Harry's most loyal friend, Hermione, was known to stand by Harry's side through everything. Even when she would upset Harry, her intention usually came from being worried about Harry's safety.

Hermione stands by Harry's side after he is chosen for the Triwizard Tournament and joins him on the Horcrux Hunt when even Ron abandons them.

7 Wrong: Influence On Harry And Cho's Relationship

In Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Harry begins a relationship with Cho Chang. Their relationship doesn't get much screen time, and then it ends abruptly after Umbridge reveals that Cho had given up Dumbledore's Army.

However, the novel portrayal of their relationship includes a lot more drama, and plenty of it included Hermione. Harry and Hermione's close friendship was not something Cho particularly enjoyed. Harry's willingness to defend Hermione against Cho, or join Hermione when Harry and Cho were on a date, continued to add to their relationship struggles.

6 Right: Willingness To Break The Law

For a character that spent so much time as a massive rule follower at first, this mentality disappears reasonably early in the series. Hermione set fire to Snape, joined her friends to reach the Sorcerer's Stone, and stole ingredients for an illegal potion.

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Hermione's actions portray someone willing to do what was necessary to save her friends and school. This attribute of Hermione is one of the most essential in the later installments and something the movies successfully portray.

5 Wrong: The Length She's Willing To Go

The movies do a fine job showing that Hermione is willing to break the law. However, it does not do her justice in showing the other things she was willing to do. Hermione can be downright terrifying when the moment calls for it, and one of those times involves the journalist, Rita Skeeter.

Hermione's innovative mind has been shown to outsmart several characters and to make a memorable point, she realizes that Rita Skeeter's Animagus is a beetle. Hermione captures Rita in her Animagus form and keeps her in a jar. Later, Hermione blackmails Rita Skeeter with the knowledge of her unregistered Animagus form.

4 Right: Pushing For Dumbledore's Army

When Umbridge begins teaching Defense Against The Dark Arts at Hogwarts, everyone loses the chance to learn. Voldemort is out and about, and the Ministry doesn't want to admit it. Meanwhile, others are desperate for the wizarding world to understand. Umbridge's lessons are more about theory than action, so the students decide to learn to defend themselves.

Knowing that Harry is the most experienced in Defense, Hermione is the mind behind Dumbledore's Army, and convinces Harry of the steps needed to give their classmates a good chance at defending themselves.

3 Wrong: The Sign-Up Sheet Curse

Hermione has all those interested in secret Defense lessons sign a sheet to know who will be joining their meetings. However, there is one secret about it. Hermione had cursed the list so that if anyone gave away their secret, all of Dumbledore's Army would know. This is a necessary plot point in the novel, as the curse came to fruition when Marietta Edgecombe betrayed the group.

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The book describes that Marietta had the word "SNEAK" appear across her face after telling Umbridge about Dumbledore's Army. In the movie, Cho is the culprit for Umbridge learning the truth, and no hex covers her face.

2 Right: Intelligent

The title "Brightest Witch of Her Age" went to Hermione Granger in the books. This detail remained faithful in the movies, as well. Hermione was always seen doing homework, studying, or just knowing the answer to nearly any question.

Her mind saved the trio more times than they could count, and without her, it is unlikely Harry and Ron would have lived as long as they did. Hermione's brilliance played a vital role in the franchise, and it was a trait that needed to adapt well in the films.

1 Wrong: Injuries

Although Hermione participates in the movie's version of the Ministry battle in the fifth installment, it does not show the real damage done to her book counterpart. The film portrays everyone's injuries as being relatively light and not life-threatening. However, in the books, they are much more severe.

In the book, Harry and Neville are the last left standing after Hermione, Ginny, Luna, and Ron are all hurt. Hermione had been hit by a silent curse that knocked her out and could have done more damage, had it been spoken aloud.

NEXT: Harry Potter: The Cast's 10 Best Quotes About Working On The Movies

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