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The 100: 10 Questions About Clarke Griffin, Answered | ScreenRant

Clarke Griffin never wanted to be the leader of her people. At 17 years old, she had the job thrust upon her when she fought for their survival on The 100. Over the course of seven seasons, she's been faced with impossible choice after impossible choice, but she's never stopped trying to do the right thing.

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Clarke's decisions can be polarizing for the audience of the CW series, but there's no denying she's one of the favorite main characters for most fans. Just how much fans know about Clarke, however, depends on just how much attention the audience has been paying to her journey on the show.

10 Who Is Clarke Named After?

Writers have a lot of different methods for naming characters. Some pick names at random, others name characters after their friends, and others name characters after significant fictional or historic figures. In the case of Clarke, it's the latter.

Kass Morgan, writer of the books on which The 100 is based, revealed in a season two interview that she named Clarke after another writer: Arthur C. Clarke. Like Morgan, Arthur C. Clarke was also a sci-fi writer. 2001: A Space Odyssey is likely his most well-known work, but he also wrote scientific papers.

9 When Is Clarke Arrested On The Ark?

Clarke is already in the Ark's version of a juvenile prison when the story opens in the pilot. Her arrest takes place nearly an entire year before the start of the series.

Clarke's arrest is eventually revealed in a flashback sequence for the show. Her father is floated for conspiring to release confidential information to the public. Because Clarke vows to get the information out for him, that the Ark can't sustain life, she's treated as a coconspirator. She's arrested immediately after her father is executed.

8 How Long Is Clarke In Solitary Confinement?

When Clarke is arrested, she's never put in an area with other teenage prisoners. The Ark's governing officials don't want her to tell her fellow inmates what she knows about the Ark's life support systems failing.

That means as soon as she's arrested, she's placed in solitary confinement. She spends 11 months there with just her art and the guards who bring her meals for the company.

7 When Does She Turn 18?

One interesting point that some fans might have missed is just how quickly the events of the first season take place. When Clarke is first taken from her artwork-filled cell to the dropship for Earth, she's worried she's being floated to help cull the population. Clarke mentions that there's still one more month before her eighteenth birthday.

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The entirety of the first season takes place over 29 days. That means Clarke should have been celebrating her eighteenth birthday at the end of the first or the beginning of the second season.

6 What Is Her Blood Type?

The science-fiction aspect of the series pushes the apocalyptic storylines, but it also gives the show a lot of small in-universe explanations for questions the audience might have. For example, implants are introduced once Abby comes down to Earth that act as birth control amongst the teens, and can last for years.

In addition to that, the writers explained on their official Tumblr page that everyone on the Ark also has Type O blood. It makes needing blood during a surgery a much more simple task. Like everyone else she knows before coming to Earth, Clarke is Type O.

5 How Is Clarke's Father's Fate Different In The Books?

While Clarke sees her father floated in the television series, she's only told about his death in the novels. In fact, she's told both of her parents are floated when she's placed in prison. That isn't, however, what really happens in the books.

Clarke's parents are actually sent to Earth ahead of The 100 on a mission of their own. Clarke eventually intercepts a radio signal from them and reunites with them before the end of the series.

4 Is She Right Or Left-Handed?

Fans will notice that most of the characters in the series are dominant with their right hands. That's the hand they use for writing, weapons, etc.

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Clarke is left-handed instead. That becomes a plot point when Josephine Lightbourne is in her head because Josephine is not. However, the original reason for it isn't simply a plot device six seasons into the show. Actress Eliza Taylor is also left-handed.

3 What Is Unique About Clarke's Association With Death?

Clarke eventually becomes known as Wanheda, the "Commander of Death." She earns that moniker from the Grounders because of the large number of deaths she's responsible for. The first life she takes in the series is completely different from the ones that earn her that name.

Clarke kills one of The 100 after his run-in with acid fog. It's a mercy killing because they have no way to treat his wounds or keep him comfortable. Clarke also happens to be the first of The 100 to intentionally take a life.

2 Have Any Other Characters Killed More People Than Clarke?

Clarke's reputation as Wanheda is earned after she makes the decision to kill the "mountain men" of Mount Weather, but she's not the only character who makes the decision to pull the lever. Jasper and Bellamy are just as responsible as she is.

Interestingly, despite Clarke having the warrior's reputation, Bellamy has actually taken more lives in the series than she has when the seventh season begins. That's in part because of his allying with Commander Pike and decimating a Grounder village. Diana Sydney, a high ranking official on the Ark, is actually responsible for more deaths than Bellamy. She stole a dropship and took 1,500 people with her, intent on getting to Earth before the Ark failed. She crashed the ship, killing everyone on board.

1 Is Clarke In Every Episode Of The 100?

Clarke is often seen as the main character, but The 100 is an ensemble series. Characters like Bellamy, Octavia, Raven, and more have episodes featuring them in the main storyline. Sometimes, Clarke is even absent from episodes altogether.

Clarke doesn't appear in the season three episode "Terms And Conditions" or the season seven episode "The Garden." Though Eliza Taylor does appear in the season six episodes "The Gospel Of Josephine" and "The Old Man And The Anomaly," Clarke does not because Josphine is in her body.

NEXT: The 100 Characters Sorted Into Their Hogwarts Houses

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