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Star Wars: 10 Things That Make No Sense About Rise Of Skywalker

Months on from the final divisive entry of the unbelievably divisive Star Wars sequel trilogy, a lot of the questions raised from The Rise Of Skywalker every fan had have gotten answered by either the novelization by Rae Carson or the visual dictionary by Pablo Hidalgo. Nevertheless, there is a long way to go yet to explaining everything properly.

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Unfortunately, while the movie had some phenomenal moments, acting, and character work, its biggest downfall was it's writing and how little sense a lot of it made, even after this many months.

10 The Neverending Mystery Of Maz Kanata & The Skywalker Saber

The Rise Of Skywalker continued the sequel trilogy trend of the Skywalker lightsaber and how it managed to get from the hands of an Ugnaughts on Bespin to a box in Maz Kanata's basement.

Some fans were confused as to how it was magically fixed after Rey and Kylo destroyed it, but as is now known, Rey managed to heal the crystal and saber, but how it got to Maz is still annoyingly absent information.

9 Luke & Leia's Knowledge Of Rey's Parentage

There are a few headcanon explanations as to how Luke and Leia knew about Rey being a Palpatine that will easily tide fans over until a concrete explanation comes along.

Luke could have figured it out on his hunt for Ochi, but that does not line up with Luke and Rey's initial meeting. Most likely is that he figured it out when he became one with the Force and then let Leia know. Nevertheless, it needs clarification because, as of now, it does not make sense.

8 Why Didn't They Tell Her?

Sticking with the Rey Palpatine and Skywalker twin debacle, more confusing than how the two know, is why they never reveal it to Rey.

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Rey had made it abundantly clear she was searching for her place in the Galaxy, for knowledge on who she is. While they were likely protecting her, it still does not make much sense as to why they thought her finding out the way she did would be better.

7 Why Could Finn Not Tell Rey In Front Of Poe?

After the movie, fans found out that Finn was trying to tell Rey that he was Force-sensitive, something hinted at a couple of times throughout the film.

However, because of that revelation, the moment where Finn does not want to tell Rey in front of Poe does not make sense. It would make sense if Finn were going to tell Rey he loved her, a far more private, intimate moment. But, him being Force-sensitive seems like something he could tell one of his best friends.

6 The Second Transport

Rey using Force lightning is a cool moment, even if the Chewbacca dying lost its effect by way of the promotional material. However, as a whole, the scene makes little sense.

This is because how in the world did Finn and Poe not see the other transport? There is no look at a second transport, and it ultimately does not track at all, and likely never will.

5 The Clones

The novelization of the movie revealed that Palpatine's return was done by way of a clone of his body, the same explanation as to how he and Rey are related, with Rey's father being a Strand-Cast clone.

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But this still does not make a lot of sense and leaves a lot of questions that fans pray get answered in the future. Are there more clones of Palpatine's body out there on another mysterious planet? Or other Strand-Casts out there having children? Also, is there anything stopping Palpatine from coming back again?

4 The Snokes

That brings us to the other set of clones Palpatine had artificially created on Exegol. It got revealed that Palpatine had created Snoke, which has a whole host of narrative issues, but not only that, there were multiple of them in tanks on the planet.

It is not hugely likely fans will ever find out, but why were there other copies of clones if Snoke had managed to perfect his plan for the Dark Side Force user? Did he ever release any into the wild or keeps any of them in other places? Palpatine creating Snoke was one wild thing, but multiple Snokes takes it too far in terms of confusion.

3 Chewbacca's Medal

For those fans who are very much invested in the extended universe of Star Wars and the content outside of the films such as the games, books, and comics, one moment that had good intentions but did not fit comes with everyone's favorite Wookie.

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Maz giving Chewbacca the medal as an attempt to signify him getting what he never got in A New Hope is a nice sentiment, but the fact of the matter is he did get a medal, he just chose not to wear it. It was not his style.

2 Rey's Parents

Moving back to the clones for the final time, the second reveal of who Rey's parents were was both so much worse than what is presented in The Last Jedi, but also more confusing.

Not only do we not know anything about the mother and nothing about the father other than his status as a discarded clone, but the pair's relationship raises a lot of issues. Why was the father allowed out in the Galaxy to roam free with his knowledge of Palpatine? Also, how did he explain to the mother who he was and why they and their daughter were getting hunted by Ochi? A lot of questions, not a lot of answers.

1 The Movie's Inability To Explain Anything

All of this, all of these questions and nonsensical points both explained in further content and those yet to get explored brings up the thing about The Rise Of Skywalker that makes the least sense, it explains nothing.

The movie is so determined to present its idea of a post-Force Awakens sequel trilogy and to rush through all of these plot devices with a lack of a coherent plan that it never takes a minute to slow down and explain what is going on in a way that makes sense. Rae Carson's novel takes the movie and gives it a much better, calmer pace, allowing things to be explored and detailed. The film does not do this, and it is hard to figure out why it could not have done so.

NEXT: Star Wars: The 10 Biggest 'What Ifs' Of The Sequel Trilogy

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