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Doctor Who: 10 Things That Make No Sense About Donna Noble

Donna Noble is a companion adored by Doctor Who audiences. She was a refreshing addition to the revived series and had a humorous dynamic with The Tenth Doctor. Just two best friends traveling the universe.

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They shared sass, jokes, sarcasm, real talk, and meaningful camaraderie based on understanding and connection. But there were some things that were questionable about the fiery companion. Here are 10 things that don't make sense about Donna Noble.

10 She Packed A Hat Box But Never Wore Any Hats

In the season 4 episode "Partners In Crime," Donna realizes she parked right next to the TARDIS. She explains to The Doctor that she's been packed for ages hoping he would come along and she would be ready for hot weather, cold weather, or even no weather. She's the most realistic companion to actually have packed clothes to take while others go off with none and probably use the TARDIS wardrobe. Along with her suitcase, and other bags, she takes a hatbox. "Planet of the hats, I'm ready!" But she never did wear any hats.

9 Her Health And Safety All Access Pass

Companions of The Doctor are resourceful. They're often in high-stress situations and chosen by The Doctor because they're special for a human. When Donna says no to The Doctor's offer to travel with him, she regrets it soon after and spends as much time as she can finding him again. When she stumbles on Adipose Industries, she gets away with a Health and Safety badge that is no longer valid from a two-day job. But honestly, how dumb are the security people for letting her into the building with no further checks? What about the office workers for giving the client details? Earnestly, how did she get away with it?

8 She Let The Doctor Go Alone In "Midnight"

After having traveled with The Doctor for a while, it would be assumed that companions know better than to leave The Doctor alone. When The Doctor asks Donna if she wants to go see the Sapphire Waterfalls, she says no, choosing to sunbathe instead.

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After spending so much time looking for him, this was one adventure she didn't want to go on. "Midnight" was a companion-lite episode, but it was one of the episodes in which The Doctor needed Donna the most.

7 Why She Puts Up With Nerys

Nerys. The words that come out of Donna's mouth are no shining testament to her "friend." At the time of Donna's first wedding, Donna blames her unexplainable disappearance from the wedding on Nerys. That it was her idea and The Doctor was working with her. Nerys is mentioned during Donna's travels in the TARDIS and is also seen at Donna's second wedding in "The End Of Time Part 2," wearing a peach dress and complaining. Why Donna puts up with her when she takes rubbish from no one is a mystery.

6 She Gets Her Fortune Read

In the episode "Turn Left" The Doctor and Donna are on a planet having a swell old time. Donna wanders around by herself and comes across a lady who wants to read her fortune. Donna declines the offer but the woman is insistent. Donna accepts and isn't at all suspicious of the woman's intentions. Donna is an independent woman, and like most companions, she goes off without telling The Doctor of her whereabouts. But a fortune reading? Really Donna? After throwing away River Song's diary and talking about spoilers, it's a bit odd.

5 Why She Didn't Get A Happy Ending With Lee

If tearing away Donna's memories of her travels with The Doctor was the pinnacle of pain, then taking away her future with Lee was the bow on top. Donna was stored in The Library's mainframe when The Doctor tried to save her from the Vashta Nerada. In the world that wasn't real, Donna met Lee, got married, and had two children. She made an entire life for herself.

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And when everyone was released, Lee was in The Library. He was a real person. But Donna couldn't find him. His stutter prevented him from calling her name before he was transported home. And she never knew.

4 She's Quick To Blame The Doctor

After Donna spends all her time looking for The Doctor and investigating weird occurrences, she finally finds him. Well, really they find each other on opposite sides of a room's windows. She's beyond ecstatic to see him and he's bewildered to see her again. But when the adventure starts getting rough, and Donna's hanging from the broken rope of the window cleaner cradle, she says it's all The Doctor's fault and that she should have stayed home.

3 She Had A Dog

In the episode "The Runaway Bride," Donna is going to marry Lance. From the broken dialogue in the flashbacks, it can be gathered that Donna lived out of home and had a dog. She followed Lance up the stairs while he ran away, insisting that it would be great and she could get rid of the dog. The dog is never heard of again and didn't come to live with her when she moved back home. Did she really get rid of it since Lance agreed to marry her?

2 She Had To Forget The Doctor

A duo as funny and wholesome as The Doctor and Donna can't last forever. It's one of the golden rules of Doctor Who. When there's no pain, there's no character arc continuation or season finales steeped in anguish.

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But making Donna, The Doctor's best friend, forget all her travels and rewind her entire character development was cruelty. Why take a character and remove everything they achieved with her? Was there no other way to save her from dying?

1 Her Relationship With Lance

When the Tenth Doctor first met Donna in the Christmas special "The Runaway Bride," she was transported from the wedding aisle into the TARDIS. Donna was infuriated, to say the least. When Donna finally found her family continuing the wedding reception without her, her groom was dancing and celebrating with another woman. Now, Donna's not dumb, she's smart and sassy. But her relationship with Lance was an insult to her character, asking him to marry her over and over.

Next: Doctor Who: 10 Things That Make No Sense About Amy Pond

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