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Modern Family: 10 Times Claire Was Toxic | ScreenRant

Claire Dunphy is a woman who gets things done. Unlike the other women in Modern Family, Claire harnesses her neurotic and controlling energy for the greater good of her family. However, next to a silly man like her husband Phil, Claire can look like the bad cop in most situations.

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She is constantly busy juggling both work and family as a mother of three, and has pulled some questionable behavior throughout the series' 11 seasons. With the final season coming to an end, will Claire learn from her mistakes and become a calmer, nicer person or will she continue to show toxic behavior? Keep reading to see 10 of her most toxic moments.

10 She Bullies Mitchell

It's no secret that Claire has unintentionally bullied Mitchell her entire life. Even when she realizes that she's taking advantage of him, she can't stop. We learn in "Lake Life" that Claire bullied Mitchell when everyone was at camp, and she often makes fun of him for his relationship with their mother, DeDe.

Between the two of them, Claire is the more athletic one and doesn't let him forget that through constant reminders of growing up with Jay as a dad. She even bullied Mitchell into paying Jay back for the down payment on their house when he wasn't ready to do so. Sweet Mitchell tries to stand up for himself but it doesn't work well against a tyrant like Claire.

9 The Time She Gives Haley An Obstacle

As Haley was applying to different colleges, she needed an example of an obstacle she overcame in life for her college admissions essay. However, Haley became upset when she realized she never faced any obstacles. Her mom and dad made things far too comfortable for her and she never had to suffer. So, what does Claire do?

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She puts Haley in the car and makes up a story about going to the woods, and instead promptly leaves Haley and drives home. Claire wanted Haley's obstacle to be how to find a way home without money or a car. Haley does it successfully (although she was livid), but it wasn't an obstacle that would work well for an admissions essay anyway, so why put her through it? What's worse is Claire seemed to love making Haley suffer.

8 Her Need To Always Be Right

Just like Jay and Mitchell, Claire has a deep desire to always be right. When she's wrong or when no one believes her, she goes above and beyond to prove her point. But there have been times where she goes too far to get her point across. This kind of behavior is shown when she tries to get Luke an award at school (she pushes a student's car into a "no park" zone), when she grabs a copy of the grocery store's security footage to get back at Phil, and when she tries to prove to Phil that a summer in an RV with three kids was a horrendous idea. As long as Claire is correct, she doesn't care if anyone else suffers or is embarrassed.

7 When She Tries To Prove To Phil That She Can Do It All

The reason Phil and Claire work so well is because they're complete opposites. Phil is light-hearted and fun while Claire is more serious and demanding. And yet, they still have an undeniable love for each other.

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Thanks to Phil's goofiness, it's hard for him to run the household without Claire's help. To prove that she can do it all when she goes back to working full-time, Claire has her assistant do all her dirty work at home to trick Phil into believing that she's Wonder Woman. Even when Phil praises her hard work she doesn't come clean about her dirty little secret. Eventually, he finds out that she had been lying about being able to do everything but he doesn't call her out on it. He realizes she stresses herself out enough and she didn't need to hear his side.

6 Her Treatment Of Dylan

No matter how dopey Dylan can be, the fact of the matter is he's a child in comparison to Claire. The way she has treated him from the start has been horrible. Sure, she's protective of her firstborn, but Claire goes about it in such an aggressive and demeaning way. In "Dude Ranch," she turns down his proposal to Haley for her and tries to break the couple every chance she gets. Now that he's her son-in-law and the father of her grandkids, Claire has no choice but to like him, but she's still far too sassy.

5 Controlling Her Kids

Claire is a control freak. She may never admit it, but it's obvious. This is why she makes such a good head-honcho at Pritchett's Closets — she knows how to micromanage. As a mother, she tries to control her children because she thinks she knows what's right for them. She tries to convince Alex to go to Caltech because it's nearby, even though Alex wanted to go to MIT. She hacks into Haley's iCloud account when she wasn't answering her phone. And above all, she doesn't respect anyone's space. Claire is beautiful and brilliant but she has a control problem.

4 Her Relationship With Alex

In case fans haven't noticed, Claire is pretty cold to Alex. Is it because Alex is unlike the rest of the family or is it because she has so much faith in her smartest daughter that she doesn't worry about the things she does? Nevertheless, Claire shows zero interest in her. Alex was so stressed out about school and home life that she entered herself into therapy. It was in therapy that she realizes she's not like the rest of her family, and that can be tiring for her.

In later seasons, Claire shows no excitement about Alex getting into Caltech, forces her to return to Habitat for Humanity, and even pays Haley to drive with her because she didn't want to. Alex may be self-sufficient but she still deserves love and affection.

3 Does Claire Want To Escape Her Life?

Claire has an amazing life. She runs a company, her husband has a successful career, she has a gorgeous home and three healthy children. What's not to be proud of? But her actions show that she's trying to escape her life at times. She doesn't want Phil to attend an alumni weekend with her because she wanted to see her ex-boyfriend (and college professor), she enjoys role-playing with Phil when she needs intimacy, she takes a drive down the coast to escape responsibilities (when Phil got a new car), and she tries showing off to an old friend even though she wasn't exactly truthful. Does Claire not like the life she created for herself?

2 The Way She Treated Ben

Ben was Claire's assistant and Alex's ex-boyfriend. He was a sweet yet naive young man who deserved more than the Dunphy girls. Alex constantly made him feel dumb, and Claire capitalized on this. She didn't want her assistant dating her daughter, and made him feel small whenever he was around, including when he joined the family on their trip to the lake. He and Alex didn't work out, but Claire definitely didn't help that relationship at all.

1 Her Obsession With Gloria

Thankfully, Claire and Gloria seem to be in a good place by Season 11, but it wasn't always that way. When Gloria started dating her father, Claire called immigration on her. She was even excited when Gloria got pregnant with Joe because she thought she was going to "get fat." At the end of the day, Claire was jealous of Gloria, and she became petty when she felt inferior. Considering they're family and there's no need for competition between the two, that was really unfair.

NEXT: Modern Family: 10 Things That Shouldn't Happen Before The End

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