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Lost: Jack's 10 Best Quotes | ScreenRant

The TV show Lost came on ABC from 2004 to 2010, and it focused on a group of people whose plane crashed onto a strange island. There was a smoke monster, there were polar bears, there was time travel, there were numbers, there was a group called The Others… Yes, this series certainly kept things exciting!

RELATED: Lost: 10 Hidden Details You May Not Have Noticed

One of the main characters of the story was Jack Shephard, who was played by Matthew Fox. He was a surgeon and became the go-to leader on the island. He had his issues (just like everyone else). And he delivered some amazing lines over the years. 

10 How He Handled Fear

In the series premiere, Jack told Kate how he dealt with fear: “So I just made a choice. I would let the fear in, let it take over, let it do its thing. But only for five seconds. That's all I was going to give it.”

Later, we see Kate use this tactic, since life can be scary, and since the island certainly had its fair share of trouble and stressors, too. This is wise advice from a strong and determined man. 

9 How They Were Going To Survive

What is perhaps Jack’s most iconic line of all time also came early in Season 1: “If we can’t live together, we’re going to die alone.

It was short and simple, but it was packed with an impactful punch; this was a group of strangers, put into a strange situation, and the only way they were going to survive was through teamwork and trust. It was easy to think back on this line, as the story progressed, as people became like family and as some went off on their own/lost their lives while alone. 

8 How There Was Hope

Yes, these people were involved in a crash. Yes, they were not sure if they would ever be rescued. Yes, there were mysterious and dangerous things on the island. But there was still hope, as Jack pointed out: “Three days ago we all died. We should all be able to start over.

Jack had lost his father. Kate had been arrested. Sawyer had lost his parents. Locke was in a wheelchair. Hurley thought he was cursed. Charlie struggled with addiction. Everyone had something, but this crazy event meant they could start anew, start from scratch and start over with new identities and new friends in a new place. 

7 How He Felt About Sawyer

On and off the island, Sawyer was a sarcastic guy who loved handing out nicknames. That being said, this is another one of Jack’s best lines: “All I'm gonna get is a snappy one-liner, and, if I'm lucky, a brand-new nickname.

He said this, of course, when talking about what would happen if he confronted Sawyer. It was hard for everyone to find their flow and work together in the beginning, and if there was trouble, many blamed Sawyer. At least some comedy was included, though, as he was really good at coming up with funny nicknames on the fly!

6 How He Understood America’s Pastime

When Jack met Ben Linus, Ben told him some major headlines that had come to be back in the real world. He said that George W. Bush was president again, Christopher Reeve had passed away, and the Boston Red Sox won the World Series. This was Jack’s reply, while laughing: “If you wanted me to believe this, you probably should've picked somebody else besides the Red Sox.

RELATED: Lost: The Worst Things Jack Ever Did, Ranked

But then, Ben turned on a video that showed the Sox winning. Ben told Jack that if he trusted Ben, Ben would take him home, when the time comes. Again, it was a crazy moment, and there was some comedic relief for those who know about the Red Sox’s old curse!

5 How He Knew Their Destiny 

There is another short and powerful quote for which this character is known: “We have to go back, Kate. We have to go back!” 

As fans know, some of these survivors did get off the island, yet they went back. Did they all 100 percent want to return? No. But did they feel a pull and know, deep down, that it was their destiny? Yes… especially Jack, who literally screamed at Kate, while making this urge known.

4 How He Was Realistic

Jack was a to-the-point kind of man, and he was also caring and kind. That is a big part of what made him a natural leader. At one point, Kate said it was strange to be back to their “normal” life on the island, without being stuck in a bear cage or running off into the jungle. She said she almost didn’t know what to do with herself.

This is how Jack answered her: “Well enjoy it. I'm sure something will go wrong soon enough.” Yes, he understood that on the island, they had to be ready for anything at all times.

3 How He Changed

It would take too long to get into the real craziness of this show, but just know/remember that there was a time when Jack was talking to Lock, but it wasn’t really Locke, and this is what he said: “You're not John Locke. You disrespect his memory by wearing his face, but you're nothing like him. Turns out he was right about most everything. I just wish I could've told him that while he was still alive.

RELATED: Lost: 10 Unanswered Questions About Jack

As mentioned, it was not always smooth sailing on the island. However, John Locke felt a connection with the place as soon as he got there. Not everyone always agreed with him on everything, but eventually, Jack understood it all. This was a bittersweet line, as he realized and regretted. 

2 How He Believed

Even more thrilling and slightly confusing moments came, as the show climbed towards its finale. Apparently, someone was supposed to stay and be the protector of the island. It seemed like it could be Jack, as he was the hero, but it was not, as stated here: “It was only supposed to be me so I can do this. But if someone has to take care of the Island, if someone has to protect it then... then it should be you. Hurley... I believe in you.

Those who have watched this series surely get emotional while reading that: Things were wrapping up, lives were being lost, and Hurley—fun-loving Hurley who thought he was cursed—was named the protector. 

1 How They Would All See Each Other Again

Last but not least, there is this quote: “I'll see you in another life, brother.

Desmond said it to Jack, then Jack said it back to him at a later time. They had no idea how real that statement would be. They ran into each other in the real world. They ended up on an island together. They became a family. And that final scene of the entire series showed them all there, together, forever. 

NEXT: LOST: 10 People Jack Should Have Been With (Other Than Kate)

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