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Star Wars: The 10 Most Selfless Things Han Solo Has Ever Done

One of the most iconic characters in all of cinema and pop culture, Han Solo has a variety of qualities and traits that make him who he is. He is charismatic in his cockiness and adored in his arrogance and his cool demeanor which sits over a caring inside that creates a character with depth that is beloved by all. He has provided Star Wars fans with some of the best moments the franchise has seen.

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A quality that seemed to grow in Han more visibly - even though it had always been there - as the stories and movies progressed was his selflessness. There are many a moment throughout his six film appearances in which he demonstrates this quality, so, here are 10 of the most selfless things Han Solo has ever done.


Ok, so, initially Han is only attracted to the idea of helping Leia due to the idea of a reward. While this is the complete opposite of selfless, Han's actions throughout the escape of the Death Star in A New Hope prove to be.

For example, while the moment was more humorous than anything else, Han chases down a group of stormtroopers quite unnecessarily. He also calls desperately to Luke to get on the Falcon instead of flying off as Luke soaks in Ben's death. Overall the sequence is not massively selfless, but it does have its moments and Han could have abandoned them to save himself. It ultimately gives glimpses for the selfless moments to come.


In Solo: A Star Wars Story, L3-37 is shot and killed following her beginning the droid revolution and subsequently a battle on Kessel. When this happens Lando runs in amongst the cross-fire to retrieve her parts, and in an attempt to pull her back to the ship, falls, prompting Han to help him.

Everyone else was at the ship but Lando. The coaxium was on board with the clock on it ticking, a big and dangerous shootout was ongoing, Han wanted the Falcon, and Lando and Han's relationship was not exactly great. Therefore, Han could have easily left without Lando, but instead he went back and saved his life.


Han and Chewbacca's return to the Millenium Falcon in The Force Awakens is one of the film's highlights. When they get on, Han tells Chewbacca to putt Finn, Rey, and BB-8 in a pod and drop them on a nearby planet. But, in the end, Han takes them to Takodana.

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Han does do this to not have the First Order reach the Falcon, but Han could have saved the journey and went with his original idea to drop them at the nearest planet. Han knew Maz could help them, so he gets them to her despite the risk which turned out to be valid. He might have gone back to smuggling but he still cared.


One of the most famous sequences in Star Wars is Han Solo being frozen in carbonite in Empire Strikes Back. It's a moment packed with emotion, especially if you don't know what comes next.

The selflessness in it comes from Han staying so calm. He tells Chewbacca to look after the princess and he gives a typically charismatic and charmingly arrogant "I know" to Leia's "I love you." Han could easily have been freaking out and been worried about the potential death he could face but he instead worries about Leia and Chewbacca and stays cool for their sake.


In Solo, after the confrontation with Dryden Vos and then Beckett, Han has the coaxium which the crew had risked their lives for. It is a valuable, rare, and dangerous hyper fuel. instead of keeping it himself and selling it, he returns to Enfys Nest and gives it to her for the rebel cause.

This is obvious in its selflessness. Han does reject the offer to join the fight and he gets a vial of coaxium for his kindness, but Han gives away enough credits to set him up for a long time to help a small band of rebels trying to do good.


Han and Qi'ra's romance is much of the subject of Han's story in Solo. They grew up as scrumrats on Corellia and when they are separated during their escape from the planet, Han vows to return for her and enlists in the Empire.

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He does so and remains there through being kicked out of the academy, all to get back to Qi'ra and save her from Corellia. From there he joined Beckett's crew, again, with Qi'ra in mind. Han could have forgotten about her, but thinking she was stuck on Corellia led Han to want to get her out that much more.


One of the most heartbreaking moments in both The Force Awakens and the whole saga is Han Solo's death. Killed by his son on Starkiller Base, because he tried to turn him back to the light.

Han risked his life to approach his son and attempt to bring him home to Leia and the light side of the force. Han loses his life due to this risk and in the end, it is the last selfless act he does. For Leia, for the father in him, and for the sake of Ben Solo, Han attempts to turn Kylo Ren back to the light, end his emotional turmoil, and he is killed for it.


Han and Luke are two of the best friends in all of Star Wars. When Han has his money and is ready to pay off the big bounty on his head, he's ready to leave Hothand and the rebellion. Then he finds out Luke has not returned to the base and might be in danger, so Han drops everything to risk his life and look for him.

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Han is advised not to go out but does not care. He could have waited until morning to find Luke, help a search party, or could have just entrusted the Rebels and left to pay off his debt. Han goes out and almost freezes to death so his friend didn't.


Following the turn of Ben Solo to Kylo Ren, Han and Chewbacca went back to smuggling and in The Force Awakens, he seems determined to not go back to being a rebel. After seeing Leia and bringing Finn, Rey, and BB-8 to the rebel base though, he helps the Resistance.

Han could have dropped them off and left or he could have remained at the base rather than going to Starkiller Base, but Han went. For his son Ben, for his longtime love - with whom there are still clearly feelings between during the time of the film - Leia, and for the Resistance, Han left to help blow up Starkiller Base and it cost him his life.


One of the defining Han Solo moments of all time. Han was gone after getting what he wanted: a big reward for rescuing the Princess and delivering her and Luke to Yavin IV. He was off to pay his debt to Jabba the Hutt, wanting no part in the Rebel Alliance nor the blowing up in the Death Star. But he came back.

Han didn't need to return since he got what he was looking for. However his selflessness and good nature took over, so he returned and helped Luke destroy the Death Star. Without this moment of selflessness from the heroic smuggler, Luke would have likely failed, died, and the Empire would have won.

NEXT: Star Wars: Chewbacca's 10 Most Memorable Moments

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