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Ranking Every Episode Of Game Of Thrones Season 5 (According To IMDb)

The fifth season of Game Of Thrones came in 2015 with a lot of excitement and curiosity. While the season first half did not light the world on fire in the same way as previous seasons, the ending, particularly the last three/four episodes, is immense with iconic moments and scenes, brilliant craftsmanship and spectacular performances.

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The season received consistently good reviews through each episode, with the ending being very acclaimed. A good gauge of this reception, both critically and from its devoted fans, is IMDb for which the series as a whole has many brilliant reviews. Season five is no exception, so here are the episodes of season five ranked from worst to best, according to IMDb.


The sixth episode of season five sees Arya be tested hard, Sansa and Ramsay Bolton marry, Tyrion and Jorah are captured and turned to slaves, Jaime and Bronn must fight the Sand Snakes, and Loras Tyrell is tried by the High Sparrow while Margaery is arrested and also put to trial.

The episode garnered 25,831 reviews with 34.3% giving it a 10.0 while 47.1% gave the episode a 9.0, an 8.0, or a 7.0 with a relatively big 6.6% deeming it a 1.0. The episode was divisive amongst critics with the brutality and necessity of the rape scene coming into question but the acting as always was praised immensely, and on IMDb, reviews were generally favorable.


This early episode shows new Lord Commander Jon Snow giving his first orders, Tyrion and Varys arrive in Volantis where Tyrion is recognized - in a brothel of course -, the High Septon is ridiculed, made to walk the streets naked, Littlefinger lets Sansa in on plans to come and the wedding of Tommen and Margaery occurs.

The episode was received more positively than the last with 21,876 reviews and 39.3% of those giving it a 10.0, 44.2% an 8.0 or 9.0, with 3.4% still giving it a 1.0. The episode was well-received by most with Jon Snow being the clear standout as well as the audience's introduction to the High Sparrow.


This episode sees Arya arrive in Bravos and the House of Black and White, Sansa refuses to go with Brienne, Myrcella is in danger and Jaime seeks Bronn's help to fix that, Daenerys sentences Massador to death with a riot happening in Meereen, and Stannis invites Jon to serve him and become Jon Stark, Lord of Winterfell.

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39.2% of the 22,595 reviews gave the episode a 10.0 with another 44.2% giving it a 9.0 or 8.0, and 3.3% a 1.0. The episode was received well with its character work, in particular, being praised.


The season premiere was not the best of the eight seasons but was still great with Cersei and Jaime learning to deal with a life without Tywin with both his funeral and Cersei blaming Jaime occurring, Daenerys' dragons do not seem to care for her anymore, and Stannis wants Jon to convince Mance Rayder to bend the knee for him.

The premieres 8.5 comes from 25,667 reviews, 38.2% of which deemed it a 10.0, 44.8% an 8.0 or 9.0 with the expected3.3% giving it a 1.0. The premiere was received well and the praise lies on both the performances and the characters, especially that of Tyrion/Dinklage.


In the midway point of the season, Daenerys introduces the heads of Meereen's most powerful families to her dragons, Jorah and Tyrion approach Valyria and are set upon by stone men with consequences for Jorah, Sansa sees what Theon has become, and Jon tries to get Tormund and the Wildling's to settle south of the wall in lands made available to them - much to the disdain of many of the Night's Watch.

The episode received 22,775 reviews with 41.7% of those giving it a 10.0, 43.4% a 9.0 or 8.0 and the rough standard of 3.3% giving it a 1.0. The episode was positively received with the usual compliments of direction, writing, and performance, as well as the tension produced and does its job as a midpoint well.


Prior to the midway point though, Jorah and Tyrion set sail, as do Jaime and Bronn on their way to Dorne, Cersei sends a representative to negotiate with the Iron Bank and also gives power to the High Sparrow and his followers to neutralize sinners, Jon asks nobles to help Castle Black and the Night's Watch but has a problem with the Bolton family, and the Harpies ambush Daenerys' men.

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From 22,486 reviews, 41.7% of reviewers gave the episode a 10.0 with another 43.5% giving it an 8.0 or a 9.0 with a still lingering 3.4% giving it a 3.4%. The episode was acclaimed and praise with its ability to balance character work with bloody action shining.

4 EPISODE 7 - THE GIFT - 9.0

As the season nears its end, Sansa begs Theon to help her escape, Daenerys gets advice from Daario, Jon and some others head beyond the wall, Lady Tyrell seeks to get Margaery released, while Cersei visits her to gloat but the High Septon gives her a surprise, and Jaime sees Myrcella who sees Dorne as her home.

The episode earned its 9.0 from 24,897 reviews, 48.7% of which gave it a 10.0, 41% a 9.0 or 8.0 and the still there 3.0% who gave it a 1.0. It is an acclaimed episode with a lot of tension, great twists, and brilliant work from those involved.


In the season finale, Stannis arrives and attacks Winterfell but is severely outnumbered, Jaime, Bronn, Myrcella, and Trystane set sail from Dorne but Myrcella is poisoned, Arya has a lot to deal with involving the Many-Faced God, and Cersei famously confesses and is walked through the streets of King's Landing, naked, hair cut and shamed.

RELATED: Game Of Thrones: Every Season Finale Ranked From Worst To Best (According To IMDb)

55% of the 36,451 reviews gave the episode a 10.0 with 29.6% giving it an 8.0 or 9.0 and a relatively big 7.1% giving it a 1.0. The season finale was well received and was seen as a great wrap up for the season with brilliant character work, performances, and moments which both led to season six and finished season five well.


In the penultimate episode of the season, Stannis' army is struggling with winter and are attacked in the night, Jon Snow and survivors get back to the wall but are not welcomed warmly, Jaime and Doran negotiate the conditions of Myrcella's return to King's Landing, and in Meereen, the Great Games begin and the Sons of the Harpy attack.

The 9.5 comes from 37,575 reviews with 67.2% deeming it a 10.0, 25.4% an 8.0 or 9.0 and 3% of reviews giving it a 1.0. The episode received mass acclaim with praise going to its conclusive scene in Daznak's Pit, the character, plot points and performances all shined with Emilia Clarke being nominated for a Primetime Emmy for the episode.


Undoubtedly the best of the season, episode eight sees Arya training constantly, Daenerys judges Tyrion and Ser Jorah, Sansa learns important information from Theon while Roose and Ramsay plan battle, Cersei learns that the case against her sins is strong, and of course, Jon and Tormund arrive at Hardhome to offer Wildlings places to settle across the wall for their help against White Walkers, Jon convinces some but before they leave the White Walkers attack and as Jon flees, the Night King revives everyone as Wights.

The episode got a big 86,026 reviews, 88.2% of which deemed the film a 10.0, 9% an 8.0 or 9.0 and somehow still 1.6% giving it a 1.0. The film gained universal praise, combining brilliant action with the characters, performances, and sharp writing which make the show great and this is one of its best episodes.

NEXT: Game Of Thrones: 10 Bloodiest Battles, Ranked

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