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The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel: The Worst Thing Each Main Character Has Done

Three seasons in, it's easy to see why everyone loves The Marvelous Mrs Maisel. The hilarious series is set in the '60s, as a spoiled housewife learns that her husband isn't quite the man she thought... and takes up stand up comedy as a result! From season one, audiences were captivated by the show and the characters, watching this pampered Jewish fashion plate start to navigate the stage alongside her bluff and grumpy manager, Susie. Throw in some dysfunctional parents, some great dresses, and a cast of secondary characters any show would be lucky to have, and it was a sure-fire hit.

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However, that doesn't mean that all the characters are actually good people, of course! In fact, most of them have done some pretty awful things over the years - even if they weren't always with the worst intentions.

Warning: Season Three Spoilers Ahead

10 Sophie Lennon - Blacklisted Midge

Of all the characters, Sophie is probably the one that it's easiest to hate. A super-star of comedy, Sophie is a woman who has absolutely no regard whatsoever for the people around her (despite her public persona, which is the complete opposite). She treats people like servants, and was a total diva while rehearsing for her Broadway performance. Then, of course, she tanked that performance, screwing everything up for everyone else involved in the play. However, her worst move has to be the decision to blacklist Midge for making a crack about her. At the end of the day, Midge is an up and coming comic, and if someone as famous as Sophie Lennon can't take a joke, she may be in the wrong business.

9 Shy Baldwin - Fired Midge

Much like Sophie, Shy isn't always the best guy to be around. While on tour with him, Midge gets to see the best of Shy, but also hears about the worst. He goes on benders and routinely lets his band down, to the point that they all simply accept his moods and disappearances. However, he seems like a good guy until he fires Midge from the tour for telling jokes about him that hit a little too close to home. It's understandable that he could be upset at her tactlessness, but this came down to a misunderstanding about what Shy's manager told her to do - and even if he still wanted to fire her, after all she did for him, he could at least have told her in person.

8 Archie Cleary - Almost-But-Not-Quite Cheated

For most of the series, Archie (Joel's best friend) is a great guy. He's supportive of Joel, he's a good husband and father, and he's a huge help when it comes to opening a club with Joel. However, in the most recent season, it becomes clear that Archie isn't totally happy at home... and isn't being entirely faithful to his wife, either.

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When he and Joel go out, he takes off his wedding ring and buys girls drinks in the name of 'research', and he routinely stays out so late drinking and flirting that he barely sees his family. Sure, maybe he didn't have a full-blown affair, but that's still no way to be a husband.

7 Shirley Maisel - Her Treatment Of The Weissmans

Ah, Shirley. She's well intentioned, but Joel's mother seems like an impossible person to live with. Once Abe and Rose are in need of a place to stay, she offers them the chance to move in with her - which seems nice, but was somehow an insult at the same time, as she talks to these impoverished semi-family-members about how many empty rooms she has and how big her house. Not exactly tactful. Then, not only does she change how their long-time housekeeper is treated (without talking to them at all), but she plays the tv and radio at the same time, all the time, and has zero respect for anyone else in her house - not least, Abe and Rose.

6 Lenny Bruce - Messing Midge Around

This is actually a tough one, as Lenny Bruce is a character who isn't around a whole lot, and when he is, he's usually being absolutely lovely. He talks to Midge like an equal, helps her with her act, and in the most recent season, takes her on an incredible 'date'. However, it's his lack of availability that might be the most annoying thing about him! Most fans are rooting for Lenny and Midge to get together, but Lenny keeps kinda hinting at things... and then going away for weeks or months on end. To be fair, Midge is also on the move these days, but Lenny should really try just a little harder!

5 Joel Maisel - Cheated and Lied

Joel might be quickly becoming a sympathetic character again, as he works hard to build his own business and be a good ex-husband and father, but his first season on the show included some truly terrible behavior! First up, Joel cheated on his wife, Midge - even though she was incredibly supportive and fun. Then, of course, there's the fact that not only was he a cheater, he was a liar - he wanted to make it as a comic, but stole his jokes! Thankfully, Joel has definitely grown up since the show began.

4 Abe Weissman - How He Treats His Students

It could be argued that Abe's worst moment was quitting his high-paid work in order to... drink in the afternoon and talk about ideologies and nonsense newspapers - and that would definitely be up there. However, one of the most cringeworthy things that he does is how he constantly talks down to everyone in his life. Yes, Abe, you are a brilliant man. But the way he talks to his students (and then ex-students) calling them total idiots and destroying their self esteem... that's just plain mean.

3 Rose Weissman - Constantly Running Away

Midge's mother is a complicated woman - and for most of the show, she is just trying to make things work for everyone. However, when Rose gets overwhelmed, she has a bad habit of just... running away. When she was angry at Abe and her family, she basically ran away to Paris for a while - just upped and left!

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Then, when she was angry at her family for not giving her a seat on the board (for money she desperately needed), she threw a fit and walked away from that, too. Both times she may have felt justified, but running away is hardly the way to deal with it.

2 Susie Myerson - Gambled Away Midge's Money

Susie also has a bad habit of being rude to... well, everyone, and generally not being the best agent in town, but that's just part of what makes her so lovable. However, she has one habit that is decidedly not cute: gambling. In season three, after Midge has been giving her all the money to take care of, (and intends to take it to buy her old home back), Susie actually manages to lose it all on a match. Admittedly, she does find a way to get Midge's portion back, but even that involves committing insurance fraud, which means leaving Midge alone at the Apollo, which leads to her getting kicked off Shy's tour.

1 Mrs Maisel - Outing Shy Baldwin On Stage

It's no secret that everybody loves Midge, but that doesn't mean that she is without her faults! We love her for being brave enough to launch a new career, for constantly being kind, for choosing to leave her crappy marriage, and for being a friend to Susie. However, even though she thought that Shy's manager had given her the go-ahead, essentially outing Shy publicly is a horrible thing to do. Ok, so she never said it outright, but in the '60s, she may as well have - and this is never ok, not least at a time when it could ruin Shy. Unintentional, sure - but still a terrible thing to do.

NEXT: The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel: 5 Reasons Joel Is Better For Midge (& 5 Benjamin Is)

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