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D&D Character Alignments Of Stranger Things Characters

The main kid crew in the hit Netflix series Stranger Things are absolutely obsessed with the classic fantasy role playing game Dungeons & Dragons. And once their lives became completely absorbed by the supernatural events going on in Hawkins they began defining literally everything in Dungeons & Dragons terms. However, one thing that they never seem to address within the series is the concept of the Dungeons & Dragons character alignments.

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These character alignments can be any combination of these concepts: lawful, neutral, and chaotic, combined with evil, neutral, or good. And the characters in Stranger Things really run across the entire spectrum, from chaotic evil all the way to lawful good and everywhere in between. In a world where life or death choices have become a regular occurrence morality can be seen as somewhat relative, but within the context of the Dungeons & Dragons war of good versus evil, here are all of the Stranger Things characters along with their character alignments.

10 Nancy Wheeler - Neutral Good

Most people don't realize who they really are until they've fully have their mettle tested, but when Nancy Wheeler lost her BFF she didn't hesitate to go after her, even when it was dangerous and terrifying. Nancy had her moments of teenage girl weakness to be sure, but she was ultimately willing to do what it took to do the right thing.

Nancy always at least attempts to operate within the rules and boundaries that are set out for her, but she also doesn't hesitate to break the rules if she thinks it's necessary. She definitely falls into the category of a neutral good character.

9 Steve Harrington - Lawful Good

Who would have ever thought that Steve Harrington would end up being one of the most sincerely good and decent people in all of Stranger Things? He was a legitimate jerk when he was first introduced into the story, but he proved himself to be very capable of serious self reflection, and he decided on his own to become a better person.

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But while Steve is undeniably a pretty good guy, he is also the type to do whatever someone tells him to do, even in an emergency situation. The party was willing to risk themselves to help El and Hopper, but if it were up to Steve they wouldn't have.

8 Max Mayfield - True Neutral

Max Mayfield has definitely started to come into her own as a character and as a part of the party, but often times she feels more like a passenger on the weird trip that the characters are on instead of someone who is actively participating and making choices that influence the course of events.

It was definitely understandable in her first season on the show though, she just assumed that Lucas and the rest of the party was messing with her until she had irrefutable evidence that proved otherwise, just like any sane person would have. But she's a supportive friend in the end regardless of what her friends are doing, so that makes her a true neutral character.

7 Joyce Byers - Neutral Good

Joyce Byers may be tiny, but boy is she tough. She is a genuinely kind and loving woman, and even though she is typically a very sweet and subdued individual she becomes a fierce fighter when someone's safety is threatened.

She is willing to what is necessary for the greater good, even if it's painful for her, but she also prioritizes the health and happiness of the people she loves over her own personal safety. Joyce will operate within the rules and regulations of the world if she can, but she also pays no mind to going outside the boundaries of appropriate behavior if she deems it necessary too.

6 Jim Hopper - Chaotic Good

It's actually ironic that Jim is the chief of police in Hawkins, because he is one of the first people to break the rules or even break the law if it's for the greater good. Jim understandably values human lives over almost everything, but he also trusts his own judiciousness over whatever the world tells him is right or wrong.

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He doesn't mind hurting someone who would hurt someone else, and he knows that sometimes you have to let someone suffer or even die if it's in service of the greater good. Even though he represents the law, he trusts his own decision making over the law.

5 Lucas Sinclair - Lawful Neutral

Lucas Sinclair's biggest defining characteristic is most definitely that if he cares for someone then he is legitimately ride or die for them, whether they're right or wrong. Lucas himself is undoubtedly a decent person, but he doesn't think twice about doing something that is morally wrong if it's for the benefit of someone that matters to him.

And while he's not someone who strictly abides by the rules of society, he values the rules set forth by his friends more than anything. He's never one to betray anyone's trust, and if it's a choice between protecting someone with lies or endangering them with the truth, he'll choose the latter.

4 Will Byers (When Possessed) - Chaotic Evil

Actually scratch that, Will Byers possessed by the mind flayer is chaotic evil. Will Byers himself is an absolute sweetheart, but there is no denying that his possession puts everyone around him in danger, and the love and trust that everyone he knows has for him gives him the opening to introduce serious and deadly chaos into the world around him.

It's quite a tragic irony to be honest, because at his truest self Will is probably the kindest out of all of his friends, but because he has been the vessel of an evil entity he has been able to do more destruction than nearly anyone else.

3 Dustin Henderson - Chaotic Neutral

Dusty bun is undoubtedly one of the most charming and endearing characters on Stranger Things, but having a winning personality doesn't mean that he always does the right thing. In fact he often times does the wrong thing. But it's not because of any particular ethos, it's because he tends to focus on what he wants or what his friends want and thinks about very little beyond that.

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And after keeping a demodog as a pet without sharing that potentially deadly information with anyone else, it's pretty impossible to deny that Dustin leans towards the chaotic side of the character alignment scale.

2 Mike Wheeler - True Neutral

If there is one thing that can obviously be said about the party, it's that they stick together through thick and thin. They don't always get along, but when it comes down to it they will always have each other's backs, for better or for worse. Mike is another character who doesn't seem to care about breaking the rules, but he'll still follow them if he's able to.

And he is also a generally good person who will do the right thing if he feels like he can, but he also won't hesitate to do something that is objectively morally wrong if it's in service of someone he cares about.

1 Eleven - Chaotic Neutral

El's very existence flies in the face of everything that most people believe and understand about the world, so she is very inherently and fundamentally chaotic.

And yet again, like most of her friends she is the type of person who does strive to do the right thing if she can, but she has no qualms about doing something that is absolutely horrendous if it's in service of what she needs or what the people she loves need. Eleven is a person who lives in a state of constant extremes, so she's pretty much the textbook definition of a chaotic neutral character.

NEXT: The Worst Thing Each Main Character From Stranger Things Has Done

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