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Fast and Furious: 20 Things That Make No Sense About Dom Toretto

Dominic Toretto is without a doubt one of the greatest drivers in the history of cinema. The driving skills that he shows off throughout the Fast & Furious franchise have solidified him as a force to be reckoned with behind the wheel. Whether he is street racing, stealing, or taking on some of the craziest stunts ever, he turns heads. Some of the things that Dom has done would be hard to believe if they took place in any other film franchise, but the Fast & Furious movies are all about suspending disbelief.

Dom has established himself as a family-man who will stop at nothing to protect who he loves, and is not afraid to get his hands dirty if needed. Dom's strength makes him very menacing to his enemies, and makes him someone you shouldn't cross. However, those closest to him know that if you earn his trust, you are in his good books forever.

Based on these definitions, it would seem that Dom's personality is fairly cut-and-dry. However, fans know one important thing - there are some things about him that make no sense at all. Despite there being eight films focused on him, there are many aspects about him which make fans' heads spin. Even looking closer at each film makes some of the things about Dom even harder to believe. Some of the crazy things he has done almost make him seem as if he is not even human. Perhaps it is only a matter of time before it is revealed that he is actually a robot!

Here are 20 Things That Make No Sense About Dom Toretto.

20 He Has Superhuman Strength

Vin Diesel may look like one of the strongest people on Earth, but some things that happen in the Furious franchise just do not make sense. Dom Toretto has been involved in many situations that have shown off his muscles. In fact, his gigantic frame usually prevents violence due to how intimidating he is. There are certainly times when his behemoth stature helps them out of serious situations. While being intimidated by Dom is certainly understandable, the films sometimes exaggerate just how strong he is.

While working on a Lykan Hypersort in Furious 7, Dominic deadlifts the car with ease. Considering that the Hypersport weighs over 3,000 pounds, that is an impossible feat. While fans would like to believe that he is superhuman, feats like this push the boundaries of reality too much.

19 He Learned To Drive When He Was Only 5

Dominic has been around cars and racing his entire life. Since his father was a stock car racer and an avid gear-head, he likely used to play with wrenches instead of rattles. While most kids are still struggling to stop wetting the bed, fans are supposed to believe that Dom was driving vehicles.

It is unthinkable that he would be operating motor vehicles that early in life. Particularly due to how dangerous and unpredictable cars can be-- and how much his father loved him-- it is hard to believe that he would endanger his son this way. Dom is adamant that he has been in the driver's seat since before he could read, despite the implausibility. However, there are very few people willing to argue with Dominic Toretto.

18 He learned nothing from his dad's accident

During a stock car race, Dom's father lost his life instantly after being run off the track and into a wall. Not only did Dom lose his father that day, but he was sitting in the audience watching while the car burst into flames. Considering how devastating and traumatizing this would be, it is hard to think that Dom would ever want to be around racing again. Instead, he does the absolute opposite.

Dom throws himself directly in to the dangerous life of racing despite what happened to his father. He continues to race and live his life dangerously behind the wheel even though he knows how dangerous high speeds can be. Doesn't it make more sense that he would steer clear from life on the road? Apparently not to Dom, as his recklessness on the road only increases over the years.

17 He Hurt Hundreds Of Innocent Bystanders

From narrowly escaping high-speed trains to jumping out skyscrapers, all the way to taking down a 747 airplane on an runway, Dom has been responsible for some incredible visual displays of awesomeness over the years. However, throughout all of the Fast and Furious films, has anyone ever stopped to think about the innocent bystanders nearby?

All of the crazy escapes, chases, and stunts that Dom has pulled have all been in public areas. Some even take place in broad daylight, which means that hundreds of civilians are close by during this craziness. It stands to reason that many of them have been hurt before by falling debris, gunfire, or speeding vehicles. He may seem like a good guy, but he certainly has some explaining to do about all the people who have been hurt because of him!

16 He Flirts With Women At Races

He may be in love with Letty, but it seems that Dom has a straying eye. Despite having a deep connection with Letty that stems back from their childhood, Dom has shown some moments of weakness. While waiting for his first race in The Fast and the Furious, Dom is approached by two women before beginning the race. While he does seem to be very interested in them, he does not get very long to act on his impulses as Letty quickly comes over to scare the women away.

Dom defends himself to Letter that they were "just talking." but he should know better than anyone not to betray Letty.

15 He Abandoned Letty In Dominican

Following a successful fuel heist in Fast & Furious, the law is hot on Dom's trail. In order to keep the cops guessing to their whereabouts, the crew splits up in to different areas. Most fans would have assumed that even though the other members were relocating that Dom and Letty would remain together.

It seems that Dom had other plans, and leaves Letty behind in the Dominican Republic. She loses her life shortly afterward. Dom may have been trying to protect her by leaving, but he only left her vulnerable to his enemies. While Letty's true fate would eventually be revealed, it was no one's fault but Dom's.

14 He has No Control Over his Temper

Much like the Hulk, no one likes Dom when he is angry. Unfortunately, this also seems to be a very frequent occurrence. Despite his need to be the level-headed leader of his crew, Dom has a tendency to lash out very quickly in the heat of the moment. Whether he is angry at Brian, Vince, or even Letty, Dom's temper often gets the best of him.

This can even be traced back to him getting kicked out of the professional racing circuit. Due to his inability to control himself near the driver who inadvertently caused his father's passing, Dom will never be a professional driver. If only he could learn to control his temper, he would never have had to resort to a life of crime. Perhaps now that he has a newborn son to take care of, he will finally learn to control himself.

13 He trusts strangers way too easily

It seems that after meeting Brian O'Conner that Dom's life is never the same. While their relationship turned in to one as close as brothers, it did not start out that way. When Brian's true nature as a cop is revealed, Dom is understandably angry, but he eventually allows him back into the family.

It is even more surprising that he becomes more trusting of other strangers down the road. When new people are introduced into Dom's group, he is not as skeptical of them as he was when he first met Brian. Even though some of these strangers wind up betraying him, his guard is not up nearly as high. This is especially odd considering that Dom is now a wanted criminal. Shouldn't he be more guarded about who he trusts?

12 He Has An Unreal Pain Tolerance

Not only does it appear that Dom has superhuman strength, but he also has a pain threshold akin to Superman-- or a Terminator. Over the years of the Fast and Furious franchise, Dom has taken several beatings. Whether he is involved in car crashes, fist fights, or even being shot, he never reacts to any pain that is inflicted on him. Perhaps it can be chalked up to adrenaline, but he has never shown signs of being hurt before.

Dom seems to have an immunity to bullets, fire, and high-impact crashes since has not so much as winced while taking damage. Any other time that another member of the crew is hurt, they do not hesitate to express pain and ask for help. On the other hand, Dom is much more willing to just keep on driving despite being hurt.

11 He ditched Elena

Finding out that Letty had passed away was very difficult for Dom. The two of them had been together for his entire adult life, and losing her left a hole in his heart. There was a time where it looked like Dom would never find the strength to love again, until he met Elena Neves. The former police officer was able to crack through Dom's tough exterior, as well as the emotional walls that he built up following Letty's passing. Eventually, they become involved romantically and are even living together. They seem to be incredibly happy together until Dom learns that Letty is alive.

Without any more than little confirmation, Dom is very quick to leave Elena behind, despite having feelings for her. His love for Letty may be incredibly strong, but Dom hardly considered Elena's feelings while making his decision.

10 He kissed Cipher

The most recent Fast & Furious installment answered a very interesting question: what would happen if Dominic Toretto turned against his family? In order to accomplish her plans, Cipher forces Dominic to steal weapons for her. While no one will confuse Dom with a law-abider, he does not commit crimes with the intention to hurt people. It comes to light that Dom is only partnering with Cipher because she is holding Elena hostage. While this does explain his actions, it does leave a one aspect unexplored: why does Dom kiss Cipher?

While Cipher certainly had control over Dom, he did not need to play into their relationship to this level. It is possible that Dom was trying to gain her trust before eventually betraying her, but there were other ways to go about this than kissing his captor.

9 His Inconsistent Driving Skills

The Fast & Furious franchise is responsible for some of the wildest and most outrageous car stunts, and many of those take place with Dom behind the wheel. Yet, even he is not immune to inconsistency throughout all his years on film.

One of the stunts in Furious 7 featured Dom driving a car from the top floors of one skyscraper before crashing in to another and continuing until he had reached the ground. As unrealistic as this sounds, only someone like Dominic Toretto could pull it off. The real question is - if Dom has this much skill as a driver, how is it that he makes the mistake of running head-on into a truck in the first film? Wouldn't his super-driving powers have seen this coming?

8 Why Did He Partner With Shaw?

Why is it so easy for Dom to team up with someone who took the life of his good friend? Deckard Shaw has a very storied history with Dom's crew - he took out Han in Tokyo and tried to eliminate Dom's entire crew. These are not trespasses that are easily forgotten, and Shaw has made many enemies in Dom's group. However, it seems that he has turned over a new leaf and is working closely with Dom following the events of Fate of the Furious.

Considering everything that Shaw has done, why would Dom be willing to forget everything so quickly? They seemed very friendly during their last meeting together, however it remains to be seen if this continues.

7 He Never Tries To Return To LA

As Dom begins to gain more notoriety as a criminal, he climbs higher up the "most wanted" list. The more of a fugitive he becomes, the further he needs to hide while he evades law enforcement. Dom ended up travelling to Mexico, Brazil, and the Dominican Republic while hiding from the likes of Hobbs and other police officers. However, all of Dom's roots (and family) are in Los Angeles, and it takes him a long time to travel back there.

While his nomadic behavior helped him evade the law for a long time, he may have had just as easy of a time hiding back at home in LA. With so many connections to the underground racing circuit in California, he would have been able to seek refuge very easily back home.

6 Forgets About Avenging Han

It seems that justice for Han never really happened, despite how incensed Dom was at his passing. Even though other members of Dom's crew have been eliminated by enemies over the years, Han was one of the first to be targeted in a big way. Deckard Shaw deliberately took out Han as a way to send a message to Dom that he is coming for him. This leads to a muscled-out showdown between Shaw and Dom in Furious 7 that results in Shaw going to prison.

While it may seem like justice was served, it is unlike Dom to let things go so easily. He goes to much greater lengths to avenge Jesse during the first film, but does not pursue any further action to avenge Han. Does Dom just get softer as time goes on?

5 What About Leon?

Most of the characters from previous Fast & Furious films have made an appearance at one point or another. Characters like Hector and Vince from the first film ended up reappearing later on in the series as an homage to the original film. However, there is still one character who has never come back in to the fold. Does Dom not notice that one of his good friends is never around anymore?

Leon was part of Dom's original crew, but following the trouble with the law, he is never seen again. The only mention of him after he runs from the police is Dom saying he is "long gone." Fans did not know this means that Dom would never see him again, despite having such a rich history with him. So much for "Fast Fam!"

4 He's Wrong About Double-Clutching

It seems like Dom's knowledge about cars is not as sound as he makes it out to be. During the first street race of the Fast & Furious franchise, Dom is shown strategically defeating Brian due to his superior driving skills. After soundly claiming his spot as the winner of the race, he takes to time to dress down Brian's mistakes that led to his downfall. However, through that he reveals a big gap in his driving knowledge.

Dom famously says that Brian should have been "double-clutching" in order to beat him. However, this is in correct - double-clutching is primarily used by truck drivers due to the size of their vehicle. Double-clutching would actually have made Brian lose by a larger margin. Perhaps the writers should have done more homework before giving their "expert lines" like this.

3 Dom’s Charger Defies Logic

Not only does Dom's knowledge about cars seem to slip at times, but his vehicle also defies the laws of physics. During the final race of The Fast and Furious, Dom and Brian peel-out for a final quarter-mile race, but this time Dom is in his father's Dodge Charger. Upon beginning their race, Dom's car burns out on the pavement while also popping up on its back wheels.

As cool as this is, it should never have occurred. A wheelie takes place when there is too much traction between tires and the road. On the other hand, a burnout occurs when there is not enough traction, causing the wheels to spin quickly. Both a wheelie and a burnout should never be able to occur simultaneously. Perhaps Dom's car is supernatural-- that would be the only explanation as it defies all logic otherwise.

2 He Does Not Use Brian To Avenge Letty

Dom's overwhelming temper reaches the absolute limit when he learns that Letty has lost her life. Losing his one true love is too much for Dom to handle, and his emotions get the better of him. While his emotional state is understandable considering the trauma he is experiencing, some decisions he makes do not help his situation. The information about Letty's fate is not clear, and Dom is left without a clear pathway towards revenge.

If Dom had been able to focus on the situation, he would have realized that he has a former FBI agent at his disposal. While Brian is not a part of the police force anymore, he does have connections at the FBI which could help solve Letty's case. Instead, Dom goes off on a wild goose chase to figure it out for himself.

1 Survives Driving A Flaming Car

Is there anything that Dominic Toretto cannot do? Apparently he can not only lift cars with his bare hands, conduct unrealistic stunts .and defy the laws of physics with his car, but can also stop elements from combusting.

Despite driving a vehicle full of flammable fuel, he releases nitrous directly in to his engine block in order to make is car reach top speeds. While this would make a normal vehicle driven by a normal driver explode, this is not the case with Dom. Even as he drives, the floor and frame of the car are fully engulfed in flames, but he is able to continue driving. There are very few people on Earth who could deal with hundred-degree flames inches from their body. However, Dom apparently feels no pain at all.


What else about Dominic Toretto makes absolutely no sense in Fast & Furious? Let us know in the comments!

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