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The Flash: 8 Most Important Questions After Episode 3 'The Death of Vibe'

Warning: This article contains spoilers for The Flash season 5 episode 3!

The Flash season 5 is not messing around when it comes to the season's villain. It's only the 3rd episode and already Team Flash has found themselves face to face with their biggest threat- twice. However, this week's episode seemed to reveal that maybe there is something more to Cicada than originally believed. We know he is a serial killer and even in the future was never caught by anyone, including Supergirl and the Green Arrow. His true identity also still remains a mystery.

To find out who Cicada really is, Team Flash calls on a familiar face: Harrison Wells. However, this is a new version of Wells who goes by Sherloque and is known as the best detective in the multiverse (sorry Ralph). Wells seems to also have a connection to Cicada and is the only one to question Nora's presence. So far, he seems pretty untrustworthy and things are bound to get interesting when the truth finally comes out.

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With a big bad come some big queries. Here are the biggest questions we had about The Flash season 5, episode 3, 'The Death of Vibe'.

8. Why Did Nora Choose That  Specific Moment to Change the Past?

Nora's arrival on The Flash has been emotional due to her desire to just spend time with the father she never had a chance to know in her own time. But that emotion has distracted from a larger question: why did Nora choose that specific moment to change the past? Crashing her parent's wedding is one thing, but then she arrived just in time to help her dad stop a falling satellite. It seems like it's a little too much of a coincidence to be an accident. And why did she take so long to introduce herself, lurking around Jitters and writing secret notes in the Speed Force Language in her notebook, if she' only there for an innocent visit?

Nora lived without her father for almost her entire life. What suddenly made this adult women decide to go back in time, especially knowing how dangerous it could be? Sure she wanted to learn how to be a hero, but could there be something more? Is it possible that someone else led Nora to make this decision? Maybe Nora did want to meet her father, but some outside force pushed her into choosing that specific moment in time. Perhaps Nora's time travel isn't a mistake after all and is part of some larger plan. Maybe someone wanted the timeline changed for a reason. That person could even be Cicada himself, since Nora said in the future his identity is still unknown. If Cicada is from the future, he could be an even bigger threat and could be potentially pulling even more strings than possibly imagined.

7. Is Cicada Really the Season's Big Bad?

Since the season 4 finale, we have known Cicada would be the Big Bad of The Flash season 5. But what if that has all been a misdirection? What if there is another person pulling all the strings? Nora somehow chooses to travel back in time to meet Barry. We don't know why she suddenly decided to make that choice, but if someone told her to do it maybe that person is the real villain of the season. It's scary to think of someone we don't even know exists yet behind the scenes pulling strings.

Read More: The Flash's Time Travel Has Stopped Making Sense

The Flash hasn't really been good at surprising fans with its big reveals in the past. Pretty much everyone figured out that Nora was Barry and Iris' daughter and that Savitar was Barry from the future. It seems risky for The Flash to be hiding another secret villain. However, with the way the show is playing with time travel and the timeline this season, it could make for some interesting directions the show can go in. The introduction of Sherloque creates a lot of questions around Nora and her motivations. Unknowingly, Nora could be a conduit for something more sinister.

6. What Has Sherloque Figured Out About Nora?

As the newest member of Team Flash, Sherloque Wells does not have any emotional connections to the other members. He is also a master of deduction. This allows him an outside perspective and the ability to see things the other characters do not. Namely, Sherloque is curious about Nora and her time travel. He wants to know why she arrived at the same time as the satellite and if she acted alone. It's a reasonable question and one that Nora doesn't answer. As she walks away from their encounter, she looks pretty nervous too.

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So what is it that Sherloque has figured out about Nora? There are obviously some things she isn't telling her family, but maybe it has to do with the timeline and nothing more. However, that doesn't seem like it's the case. There are some pretty big questions left by this episode and they all see to revolve around Nora. Watching the interactions between Nora and Sherloque will be interesting over the next couple of episodes as they engage in a game of cat and mouse with repercussions that could affect the entire team.

5. Is Nora the Reason Cicada is Attacking Metahumans?

In this episode, we learn two important things about Cicada. One is that he is not a metahuman. The other is that he is a father with a daughter in the hospital for unknown reasons. Could the reason for her hospital stay somehow tie back to Nora's changing of the timeline? We already know that her appearance has changed the identity of Cicada altogether, maybe she changed the fate of his child as well. Her father did the same to Diggle in Flashpoint so it's not completely out of the question. And if Cicada somehow knows this, maybe it could explain why he is out to hurt metahumans, especially those with connections to The Flash.

Nora seems awfully guilty in this episode as she learns her actions directly caused the deaths of metahumans who were not supposed to die. What happens if Cicada really is after her and she learns her actions directly put her family and friends in danger? Nora has to know that her actions have consequences and sooner or later she is going to have to face them, including the supervillain she may or may not have helped to create.

Page 2 of 2: More Flash Questions From The Death of Vibe

4. What Does the Departure From the Comics Mean For Cicada?

In the DC comics, Cicada is a semi-immortal metahuman preacher named David Hersch. On the show, however, he seems to be none of those things. His name isn't even David, it's Orlon. All this is because of the alteration to the timeline. With Nora's presence, it's not just the victims who have changed, but the killer as well. Cicada is not just a different man, he has also appeared earlier in the timeline than he should have. Someone should probably warn the Legends there's one more time anomaly for them to clean up.

This diversion from the comics puts an interesting twist on the villain. While the CW shows rarely stick very closely to their source material, it gives the writers more leeway to change the character to fit the show's needs. It also keeps Cicada and his plans mystery, even to comic book readers who may have thought they had the upper hand. This allows Cicada to be a more unpredictable villain.

3. Why Is Sherloque so obsessed with Cicada?

The latest version of Harrison Wells is called in to help Team Flash trackdown Cicada. But instead of using his profiling skills Wells claims it is David Hersch because he knows that is Cicada's identity on 36 other Earths. But why does Sherloque know this information? Why has he been tracking this serial killer across the multiverse? Is Cicada the Moriarty to Sheloque's Sherlock? Or is it more personal than just a detective tracking down a criminal?

It would make sense if Sherloque has a personal vendetta or a secret to hide. He seems too opportunistic to just show up and help the team out of kindness. (He did charge them for his services after all.) And it wouldn't be a CW show if a character didn't have a secret to hide. If more than one character has a connection to Cicada it could also make him a more personal, and therefore dangerous, villain.

2. What's the Deal With Cecile's Powers?

In episode 2, Cecile was struggling because she could no longer hear her daughter's thoughts. After sharing such a close connection with her child (and knowing exactly why Jenna was crying), it was a crushing blow. However, in this episode, Cecile uses her telepathy to communicate with Joe while he is being attacked by Cicada. So are her powers really going away?

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Cecile gained powers as a result of her pregnancy. She gave birth to Jenna relatively recently, so maybe it's just that the powers are still lingering in her body. The Flash never really explained how Cecile had gotten these abilities so there really aren't any rules. Maybe they won't go away at all. Another possibility is that baby Jenna is a metahuman herself and that could affect Cecile as a result. Just imagining Joe dealing with his superpowered wife and daughter is enough to make this possibility seem like it could be a lot of fun. It also allows for Danielle Nicolet to have a larger role on the show, which is always a positive. Her scenes reading the other characters' minds last season were delightful and gave the character more importance than just serving as a love interest.

1. Who Is Watching Caitlin?

The end of episode 3 revealed that Caitlin's father had left her a note telling her to come find him. And that someone was watching her solve this clue. It's safe to assume that the person watching is actually her father. But then why is he watching her? If Thomas knows where Caitlin is, why does she have to come find him? Perhaps there is more to this mystery than it appears. If Thomas faked his death and went into hiding possibly it was to protect his daughter. This means that someone nefarious could be keeping an eye on Caitlin- whether to hurt her or find the location of her dad.

This episode also proved that Caitlin's mother definitely knows more about her husband's death than she is letting on. We questioned her involvement before, but it was clear Dr. Tannhauser was uncomfortable when confronted by Caitlin. Even Ralph could tell she was lying. If Caitlin isn't in danger, it goes back to the original question of why Thomas had to put on this whole charade in the first place. The more we learn about Caitlin and Thomas' relationship, the less sense it all makes. The two were clearly close and shared a love of science so there has to be a good reason he put his only child through all of this heartbreak.

Read More: FLASH Theory: Batman Beyond Easter Egg Reveals Nora Secret

The Flash season 5 continues with episode 4, "News Flash", on Tuesday, October 30th at 8 PM on the CW.

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