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Harry Potter: 20 Strange Details About Hagrid’s Anatomy

No matter what kind of crazy books you read, you'll never find a character quite like Rubeus Hagrid. This half-giant wizard is one of the best additions the world of Harry Potter, and he's much more than just a big, lovable oaf. His character is surprisingly deep, and there's all kinds of complexity when you take a closer look at this guy. Hagrid is the character who actually introduces Harry and the reader to the magical world. This gatekeeper leads us deep into this completely unique universe devised by JK Rowling, and as such he is one of the most important characters in the entire series.

Even though Hagrid is one of the first characters we meet, there are a few things that just don't quite add up. By just looking at this strange being, we can see all kinds of strange features. Physically, Hagrid is a completely unique character within the magical world, and there's no one else quite like him. Half-giants aren't exactly common in the wizarding world, and he has quite a few interesting abilities as a result of his mixed heritage.

There are those who argue that a half-giant shouldn't even be possible in the Wizarding World. Some say that some of Hagrid's abilities don't make any sense, either. Hagrid has also done things in the past that don't really seem rooted in logic. Of course, we must remember that this is the magical world, and in this wonderful realm of existence, anything is possible. Still, even the magical world has limitations, and so does Rubeus Hagrid.

Here are 20 Strange Details About Hagrid’s Anatomy.

20 He Didn't Have The Strength To Produce A Patronus

Hagrid might have been a very special wizard with all kinds of interesting abilities, but there's a tragic truth about this character that was just recently revealed. As quoted by a Time article, JK Rowling herself revealed that: “Hagrid couldn’t produce a Patronus. It’s a very difficult spell.”

This was heartbreaking for a lot of fans to hear, as everyone was curious to hear what Hagrid's Patronus would be.

For a man with such a sad life, this almost seemed unnecessarily cruel from the author. But this truth does reveal an interesting fact about Hagrid's anatomy. Even though he appears to be a rather strong, hulking character, his physical strength is not matched by his magical potency. It seems that he just isn't capable of performing this spell.

19 Because Of His Hybrid Nature, Hagrid Is Actually An Illegal Magical Creature

Considering what we know about magical law, Hagrid is actually considered an illegal abomination. It's honestly a wonder he didn't get hunted down by aurors and eliminated. We know that breeding different kinds of magical creatures is seriously frowned upon in the magical world, and this was revealed as a result of Hagrid's own activities.

Remember when Hagrid successful created "Blast-ended Skrewts?" This little detail was cut from the movies, but it was a big part of the books. Hagrid actually bred a unique hybrid species of magical animal, and these were considered illegal by the Ministry Of Magic. According to this very definition, Hagrid himself is an illegal magical creature due to his half-giant heritage.

18 Hagrid Is Way Older Than He Looks

In the Harry Potter series, age is a bit of an elusive feature. We are dealing with wizards and witches after all, and it makes sense that these people have figured out methods to resist the natural aging process. For instance, Dumbledore is well over 100 years old by the time the story ends. What most people don't know is that Hagrid is quite an old bloke himself.

In the films, Hagrid appears to be a man in his late 40s. but by the time the story ends, Hagrid is estimated to be well into his 70s.

What kind of magical skin cream is this guy using? The truth is that it probably has something to do with his giant blood - or merely the fact that he's part of the magical world. It seems that most wizards have the ability to defy age-- at least when it comes to the film adaptations.

17 Natural Magical Resistance Due To His Giant Genes

There's no doubt about it, Hagrid is a tank. While he may seem warm and friendly, you do not want to make this guy angry. You will regret it. On the same note, it's going to be very hard to take this guy down - even if you get the drop on him.

Hagrid seems like a bullet sponge when it comes to spells, and things just tend to bounce off him harmlessly. We've seen him shrug off all kinds of punishment over the years, and true fans know why he's capable of this impressive level of endurance. Because of his giant genetics, he has a natural resistance to magical spells. In short, he'd be a great party member for any magical squad.

16 It Makes Zero Sense How His Mother And Father Got Together

We know you don't want to imagine it, but seriously, just try and figure out how a human managed to produce offspring with a giant. It's just not possible. No matter what kind of crazy theories fans come up with, it's not even remotely logical. Yes, we know, this took place in a magical world where "anything's possible." Even the magical world must have some limitations.

Where there's a will, there's a way.

That's the only conclusion we can come to. In terms of Hagrid's anatomy, it's clear that he must be one of the most unique creations of the magical world. There can't possibly be another person like him, can there? Oh wait, there's Madame Maxime!

15 There Was A Rumor Of Him Having An Evil Twin

This has to be one of the strangest rumors about Hagrid. Around the time of The Sorcerer's Stone, there were whispered rumors that Hagrid actually had an evil twin. Kids will be kids, but some fans believe that these rumors were actually true. Supposedly, this evil twin was named "Dirgah," and he was lurking in the forbidden corridors.

Obviously, this was revealed to be false-- or was it? Was there actually some truth to this after all? Is there really an evil version of Hagrid running around somewhere in the magical world? What we do know is that Hagrid's family history is a little muddled at the best of times, so anything is possible.

14 He Is Allergic To Cats

Real Potterheads will know that although Hagrid is pretty robust, he also has some interesting weaknesses. If you only knew the basics about Hagrid, you'd probably never guess that one of these weaknesses involves animals. After all, this is supposed to be the guy who can handle pretty much any animal you throw at him, even if that animal is extremely dangerous, poisonous, massive, or any combination of the above.

Even with his famous animal-taming abilities, Hagrid is still very much susceptible to the common house cat.

That's right, Hagrid has a strong allergy to our feline friends, especially Filch's cat. It really doesn't make a whole lot of sense, given the fact that this is a guy who raised dragons, tamed giants, and trained three-headed dogs.

13 He Parties Way Too Much

Isn't it strange that Hagrid seems to be tipsy so frequently? It happens at least once a movie. It seems like this guy has a little bit of a drinking problem, and that's putting it lightly. How much would Hagrid need to actually consume in order to feel even a small buzz? Remember, this is a dude that stands over 11 feet tall, and he's described as being the width of three men.

He would literally need barrels of drink in order to get tipsy. This wouldn't just be ruinously expensive, so it would be a logistical nightmare. Where is he storing all of this? How does he transport it to his hut? We're talking at least an entire barrel just for one drinking session.

12 His Height Changes In The Movies

If you were super knowledgeable about the books, you would've probably noticed a big, Hagrid-shaped mistake when the movies came out. He just wasn't tall enough!

In the books, Hagrid is supposed to be about 11 feet tall - twice the height of person.

In the movies, he appears to be more around the realms of 8 feet tall. Logistically, it's easy to understand why they shortened the half-giant. Can you imagine how difficult the camera angles would have been? They were already pulling every trick in the book to make Hagrid look taller in the movies. Adding three more feet to his height would have made all of his scenes a complete nightmare.

11 He Has Super Strength

Fans will know that Hagrid isn't just capable of enduring severe punishment - he can also dish it out. When you think about the things that Hagrid has done in the past, it's clear that this guy must be seriously ripped. He chucked a guy across the entire great hall like he was a rag doll. He tamed giants. With one hand, he bent a double-barreled shotgun like it was a piece of spaghetti. The list goes on and on.

This super strength is, of course, due to his half giant heritage. It's unknown whether or not this level of strength has a magical quality to it, or whether it's just a result of his impressive size. The amount of muscle needed to even move an 11 foot tall body would be insane. His strength could simply be down to the fact that he's just a really, really big guy.

10 He Is Incapable Of Riding A Broomstick

Speaking of his massive size, it should come as no surprise that Hagrid does not belong on a broomstick. If he could manage to get airborne on that flimsy piece of wood, can you imagine the possibilities? Hagrid probably would have been the best Quidditch keeper the world had ever seen. He would just need to sit there in front of the hoops and laugh.

Hagrid opts instead for something which is probably even cooler than a broomstick - a flying motorbike.

A lot of fans ask why he didn't just get a broomstick custom made for his larger body, but can we seriously doubt his decision here? Say all you like about Hagrid, but there's no denying that the man travels in style.

9 Shouldn't Hagrid Be Much More Giant-like?

We're not experts on how genetics work, but we're pretty sure a half giant should be way taller than Hagrid. Giants range anywhere from 20 to 25 feet tall, but let's assume that Hagrid's mother was average - say 23 feet tall. Hagrid's father, on the other hand, was described as a "tiny feller" by Hagrid himself, so let's assume that he was about 5 feet tall. If we take the average between those two heights, we're left with a number closer to 15 feet tall.

Match that up with Hagrid's height of only 8 feet in the movies, and we've got some serious discrepancies here. Even in the novels, he's still 3 feet short of our estimated figure. Maybe the male genetics were dominan, but wouldn't it make more sense if the giant genes were dominant? In any case, Hagrid seems a little short for a guy who has half the DNA of a fully-fledged giant - especially in the movies.

8 Hagrid Is Very Good At Magic, but Unskilled

We've already established that Hagrid wasn't strong enough to produce a Patronus, but when you put everything in perspective, Hagrid is actually a pretty impressive wizard. After all, he's had some major disadvantages throughout his life.

He was kicked out of Hogwarts before he could finish his education.

He's doing magic with an umbrella. Remember when Ron tried to do magic with a broken wand? Yeah, that didn't go so well. Hagrid is doing pretty well by all accounts, as he's able to do things like transfigure fire and other advanced spells using a broken wand. It would be safe to say that Hagrid is inherently a very strong wizard, even with all his disadvantages.

7 How Was He Able To Tame Gawp?

These "training sessions" must have been pretty intense, to put it mildly. Not only did Hagrid manage to hold his own against Gawp, but he somehow transported him to the Forbidden Forest and then taught him how to behave like a civilized human. Well, not quite-- but he did remarkably well, considering.

His strength must have come in handy in this situation, but does it even make sense that he was able to tame his half-brother? After all, Gawp was a full giant, so it would be safe to assume that he would've had twice the strength as Hagrid. How on earth did Hagrid manage to pull this off?

6 He Wrestled Trolls In The Forbidden Forest As A Boy

While a single troll almost caused the entire school to be evacuated in The Philosopher's Stone, Hagrid was perfectly fine wrestling them for fun as a boy. We learn this in the Chamber of Secrets, when Tom Riddle says: "...big, blundering Hagrid, in trouble every other week, trying to raise werewolf cubs under his bed, sneaking off to the Forbidden Forrest to wrestle trolls..."

Did Hagrid really wrestle these hulking beasts for fun when he was just in his early teens?

Judging by what we've seen so far, it's safe to assume that Hagrid really was doing things like this. When these stories, it almost makes us wish that Hagrid will get his own movie one day.

5 It Took Professor Quirrell Several Hours Just To Disarm him

We already mentioned the fact that Hagrid seems to get tipsy rather too easily, but this is hardly consistent. In The Philosopher's Stone, it take Professor Quirrell several long hours before he's finally able to get Hagrid into an inebriated state. This allows Quirrell to extract the information he so desperately wanted. We all know that Hagrid isn't especially good at keeping his mouth shut, but the surprising thing is how much drink he must have consumed.

We're guessing that these two wizards probably sat down over the course of at least four hours, and Hagrid was allowed to drink himself silly. Can you imagine how much money this cost for Quirrell, constantly buying all those drinks? At a certain point, Quirrell must have wondered whether Hagrid was even capable of getting tipsy.

4 A Natural Resistance To Toxins

Why is it so hard for Hagrid to get tips? Probably for the same reason he's so comfortable dealing with some of the most dangerous, most poisonous creatures on the face of the Earth - he has a natural resistance to toxins. Again, this is probably due to his half giant heritage, and explains why Hagrid can do some of the things he does.

It's never explicitly stated that Hagrid has a resistance to poisons, but it's a safe assumption to make.

The only thing that doesn't make sense is the fact that he forgets that not everyone shares his unique gifts. This means that some of his Care of Magical Creatures classes are a tad dangerous, to say the least.

3 He Can Resist Torment Much Longer Than Any Normal Man

Hagrid is no stranger to the Death Eaters. His early interactions with Tom Riddle are some of the most interesting flashbacks in both the books and the movies, and he was also one of the first members of the Order of The Phoenix. This guy is a seasoned veteran of the Wizarding Wars, and he's been in quite a few scraps over the years. The Death Eaters know him well, and they've been trying to take him down for years.

Luckily for Hagrid, his inherent magical resistance comes in very handy against Death Eaters. Curses just seem to bounce off him, and he resisted torment for longer than any other man when he was captured by the Death Eaters during the Battle of Hogwarts.

2 He's Probably Infertile

We have to conclude that Hagrid is probably infertile. Sorry, Madame Maxime, but we don't think children are going to happen any time soon.

When two completely different species breed, they typically don't create fertile offspring.

Examples would be the offspring of zebras and horses, or donkeys and horses, which almost always produce infertile offspring. Unfortunately, Hagrid falls in this category, and so does Madame Maxime, for that matter. The family line ends with Hagrid-- but this is the magical world we're talking about, after all. Anything can happen. Perhaps we'll get a story with a "Hagrid Junior" down the line. Much stranger things have happened in this universe.

1 Hagrid Was Based On A Real Biker Dude

Hagrid is without a doubt one of the most unique and interesting characters in the Harry Potter series, and he's unlike anyone we've ever met in a book or film. He brings so much to the overall story, and his personality is so deep and interesting.

It might seem like this man couldn't possibly exist in our own world, but that's just not the case. As revealed in one of our previous articles, JK Rowling admitted that Hagrid was heavily based on a real-life "biker dude" she once met. According to her, this man was just huge and [scary. And then he would sit down and talk about his garden and how his petunias had been very bad that year. Sounds just like Rubeus Hagrid.


Do you have any other trivia to share about Hagrid's anatomy in Harry Potter? Let us know in the comments!

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