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Shadow of the Tomb Raider Guide (Complete Game Walkthrough)

Shadow of the Tomb Raider is now available on consoles and PC, and it marks the third and final installment in Square Enix's rebooted Tomb Raider trilogy. While the first two games were developed exclusively by Crystal Dynamics, Deus Ex studio Eidos Montreal took charge on the latest chapter, arguably giving Lara Croft her definitive adventure.

There are multiple difficulty levels that can factor into how long it may take each player to beat the game, but the average length is about 15 hours. And while the game is quite linear and does make it rather easy to navigate, there are certain parts which can be somewhat difficult - and that's why we created this helpful, extensive guide/walkthrough. Note that this guide was created by playing through the Xbox One version of the game, hence the control tips being determined using the Xbox controller.


After the opening cinematic of the plane crash, Lara is shown seemingly stuck in a crevice inside a collapsed cave, which takes place two days earlier. In order to escape, players need to repeatedly tap X until the knife breaks and then Push Up on the thumbstick to escape.

Once you escape the cave, walk forward until you get to the end of the path, and a prompt should pop up on the wall on the right, telling you to Press X to begin climbing. Starting climbing by Pushing Up on the thumbstick, staying on the discolored path. (That color is an indication of what rocks players can climb throughout the game.) Continue to follow the onscreen guide until Lara reaches atop the ledge.

Once reaching the top of the ledge, start running along the path until you get to a shrine, at which point a cutscene will start. The PROLOGUE will end once the cutscene concludes.


Follow Jonah down the stairs into the town square once the cutscene ends and search for Dominguez. He will be at the southwest corner of the courtyard (looking at the map), near a wooden gate. Once Lara gets close to that area, she'll alert Jonah that she's found Dominguez and then a cutscene will start.

Walk through the crowds as soon as the cutscene ends, towards the wooden gate on the far-side of the area. Once Lara gets close enough, Dominguez will walk through the gate. Continue to follow him down that pathway. If you're ever lost, simply click the right thumbstick to locate the objective.

A certain point will come when Lara won't be able to follow Dominguez directly. At that time, continue to walk past the guard and down the pathway, going around the building. Eventually, you'll get to a ledge and hear Dominguez's partner talking on the phone about you - don't attempt to climb that ledge. Instead, keep walking ALL the way down the path until you get to a hold in a brick wall. Lara will crawl through that hole. After crawling through the hole in the wall, turn right and run through the open gate. Once you get to a wooden fence, Wall Scramble up it to climb over. A cutscene will start.

Go down the muddy path until you get to a pipe. Crawl through that pipe, and once you emerge out from the other side, crawl into the bushes. You can click the right thumbstick to see which bushes/areas are safe for stealth. That's when the game will prompt you to Stealth Takedown the enemy standing in front of you. After doing that, a prompt will pop up, showing you how to assassinate the other bad guy by using your bow.

Once the cutscene is over, you can peruse the area for loot and materials. When you're done, head to the stone wall on the other side of the area and Wall Scramble up to the stairs. That's when the first real traversal portion of the game begins. Players should start by running and jumping towards the wall directly across from the ledge. Press X to attach to the wall when you're close. Climb down until a prompt comes up showing you how to rappel to the pathway below. From there, run down the path and jump towards the wall directly in front, grabbing a hold of the wooden ledge. Then start to go left around the rock. Once you reach the end, look to the left, jump onto the wall across, and climb/rappel down.

Again, when you get to the bottom, run and jump towards the wall directly in front. But instead of going down, this time you'll move to the right. Then climb up to the top of the rock. After that, Wall Scramble up the rocks in front of you, and then jump and grab a hold of the white-colored ledge.

Go right on the ledge. When you get to the end, start climbing down. Try to rappel down until you get to the discolored area. Once there, move the left thumbstick side-to-side to generate enough momentum to jump to the wall on the right side. When you're attached to the wall, go right a tad bit. Then, begin to rappel down and use the left or right trigger and move the left thumbstick back-and-forth at the same time to generate enough momentum in the swing to jump and land on the slab in front of you.

Enter the cave and continue going forward until you get to a sealed off doorway. At that point, the game will prompt you to use your bow and arrow to shoot the rope, pull on it, and remove the objects obstructing the passageway. Continue through the cave until you get to the water. Before diving in, be sure to check the area for any loot and crafting materials. When you're done, dive into the water and begin swimming forward. You'll eventually swim through a crevice, so don't be alarmed if you think you've reached a dead end. In Shadow of the Tomb Raider, Lara Croft can't hold her breath forever, so players will need to go up for air every once in a while - and those areas will usually be revealed onscreen.

Lara will start to run out of breath as players near the end of the water cave and gets stuck in the collapsed exit. When that happens, a prompt will show up telling you to continually Press X in order to free Lara. Once you're out of the water, continue through the cave, but be watchful of traps (example above). You can either cut the tripwires or simply jump over them. After passing the trap, run forward and jump onto the wall directly in front. Climb up and you'll be inside in the underground temple.

The next part is a bit tougher. When you get to the pit area, you'll need to jump from one platform to the next - across three platforms - until you get to the other side, but don't immediately jump onto the fourth platform. Instead of jumping onto the next platform, run to the right and go around the wall until you get to a wooden cart. Push that cart forward, and then use your bow and arrow to break the wooden slabs in front of it. Then, climb the stairs on the right side and use that platform to start jumping across to the other ledge on your left side.

When you've reached that ledge, run forward until you get to a rope. Use your bow and arrow to shoot to rope across from you and attach it to the post on your left side. After reaching the other side, continue down that path until you get to the next platform. After jumping onto that platform, you'll see the next one get stuck in some debris. Jump to the wall on the left and climb up. From there, go towards the wooden cart on the right and push it down to the center area. Once it crashes, go to it and pull it back a little bit until it's set in place.

Then run up to the area in front and use turn the wheel just enough so the cart is facing towards the debris, with the back to you. Then, cut the rope that's attached to the center platform and rope tether the cart to the wheel next to you. Turn the wheel to pull the cart up the hill. Once it's at the top, cut the rope and the cart will roll the down the hill and break through the debris, thereby dislodging the second platform.

In order to get to the ladder that the cutscene shows, don't go back the way you came from. Run up to the ledge on the right side instead. Use that to jump onto the first platform and then onto the ladder. Otherwise, there wouldn't be enough time. When you get to the end of that pathway, Wall Scramble up to the golden-colored ledge. Move to the right and then rappel down until you trigger a cutscene. Once the cutscene ends, begin running through the cave and breakdown the wall at the end using the pickax. Shortly after that, you'll get to the game's first real combat area. Take down the person operating the generator and then go to left. Climb up the wooden wall and proceed to the next area. Once there, use the bushes and the vegetation walls to quietly take out all the guards patrolling the area. Note: When you use the right thumbstick to highlight enemies, those highlighted yellow are safe to take down whereas enemies highlighted red can be seen by other enemies. Therefore, assassinating them may result in all the other enemies being alerted.

After taking them out, continue moving forward and climb up the two walls in front of you until you get to the next combat area. Take out all the enemies, including the guy on top of the walkway. Be careful not to alert them. Otherwise, even more enemies will show up. When that's finished, continue under the archway and open the gate directly in front using your pickax. A cutscene should start not too long afterward.

The next part is one of the more intense sequences early on in the game. While being carried by the tsunami, players need to use the thumbstick to move side-to-side to avoid the debris. First, go right, then left after you drop down. Once you pass the two people on the truck and see a building collapse in the middle, go left. After clearing that area, push all the way right in order to avoid the debris. You'll then hit a log. (That's supposed to happen.) When Lara grabs onto the door, push forward to grab onto the next door frame.

The following sequence takes place underwater. Players need to swim fast to get to the point where Lara can go up for air. The game should prompt you at the right time. If it doesn't, look for light coming from the ceiling. Then swim towards the Exit sign, and you'll use the pickax to pry open the door. Once the door opens, start swimming towards the truck lights at the top. Lara will then enter the car and try to break the glass in the back of the truck. When she surfaces, you'll once again be in the tsunami - go right and then left. When you hit a wall, climb it.

When the boat breaks the concrete slab, run and jump onto the truck in front of you, then the green sign, and then the walkway on the left. Run up it and use the lamppost to swing onto the next platform. You'll then use the next lamppost to swing onto a container, and then jump onto concrete right after. You'll need to be fast to clear the next part.

Jump onto the wall in front and climb to the right. Wall scramble up the wooden post on the left and then immediately jump up to the white ledge in front of you, once Lara stands up. Then start moving to the right, all the way around the corner, hopping from one ledge to the next. When you get to the end, you'll need to jump up two more ledges quickly. Otherwise, you'll fall down and die. Once you clear those ledges, a cutscene will start and the level will end.

Page 2 of 10: Peruvian Jungle


Start walking to the right and continue down the stream, going under the log. After that point, you can go either left or right - it doesn't matter since you'll reach the same point anyway, and the rest of the area will be walled off. Go up the hill until you get to a wall, then climb on top of it. Continue going straight and climb the next well. Don't go right after the first wall - that will lead you back to where to came from.

When you see the Silver Crowned Mountain and the flare go off in the distance, go down the pathway on the right side. You'll need to hop onto the branch in front of you and then jump onto the proceeding ledge. Continue running forward on top of the tree branches. Towards the end, you'll have to jump and use another tree branch to swing onto the ground. After sliding down the muddy hill, run forward until you get to a campsite. That is where you'll select your first batch of Skills.

Once you're done with the campsite, run down to the crash site. The goal here is the untether the equipment stuck in the trees. First, you'll need a sharp knife. To get one, head left towards the plane - specifically, towards its propeller. Lara will try to break a piece off the propeller, but the plane will sink into the water. Jump in and swim towards it. Use the right thumbstick to highlight it if you can't find it. When an eel attacks you, Press X repeatedly to kill it.

Unfortunately, the propeller piece isn't sharp enough to cut the ropes yet. Run around the site searching for three crates/salvage (shown above). One is between the plane's original location and the first rope. Another is to the right, near the ledge. And the third one is towards the back of the site, nearby a dead animal carcass. Once you collect all three, head back to the campsite to construct the knife.

Once the knife is constructed, head down to the first rope and cut it. Then go left and cut the second rope. Your gear should then fall to the ground. Head towards it and pick up your equipment. After that, head towards the cliff and use your bow-and-row to create a rope tether for Lara to cross. Start walking up the pathway after crossing the canyon. Keep going until you reach a second cutscene in which the jaguars appear.

The jaguars won't strike you just yet, so keep walking up the path until you get to a crevice in the trees. Go through it, climb the wall directly ahead, and then slide down the muddy hill. Once you do that, you'll be in the combat arena in which you'll have to fight the jaguars. Be sure to dodge/roll (Press B) whenever the jaguars get close, and then charge up your bow to deal stronger shots.

The second jaguar will leave you alone after you kill the first. Once the cutscene ends, use the right thumbstick to highlight the objective's location. Climb up the walls and start heading towards the crash site. But after climbing up the tree and onto the ledge, don't continue down the path. Instead, climb the wall on your left. Follow the path - including jumping/sliding down the cargo hold of the plane - until a cutscene begins, in which Lara will reunite with Jonah.

Follow Jonah once the cutscene ends. After going underneath the log, continue down the path on the left, including walking along the edge. When you reach the other side, head towards the stairs - but before going up them, be sure to take note of the pathway down on the right side.

Upon reaching the top of the stairs, climb the ladder on the left and pull the lever to open up the flow of water. Then, drop down and push the lever attached to the giant wheel. (Jonah will help you.) Once it locks in place, immediately run down to the path you took note of, and rope tether the post across the river with the one in front of you. (See image above.) After you do that, you can run back up to the top and cross the bridge.

Lara will unlock the Eye of the Eagle in the cutscene that immediately follows, and after that, you can peruse the area for supplies and equipment. But when you're ready, use the right thumbstick to highlight the objective's location and head through the passageway. The second jaguar will attack Lara once she crosses underneath the fallen object. You'll have to kill the jaguar in order to move on.

Page 3 of 10: Croft Manor & Peruvian Jungle - Part 2


Walk towards the archway and start climbing it on its left side. Then climb the wooden slats in front of you. After hearing Lara's father on the phone, continue down that path and start climbing up that wall. Go right and keep going in that direction until you reach the end, then go up. Go right again, and then go up all the top of the building.

When you reach the top, start walking along the ledge to the right. At a certain point, the pipe will break and Lara will fall. Once she grabs a hold of the next ledge, continue moving to the right until you get to the end. Then climb up into the room/onto the roof, and then onto the top of the glass roof using the ladder. Carefully walk along that roof until the game shows you how to enter the greenhouse - but you won't be able to go that way.

Trigger the next cutscene by walking forward and into the Forbidden Tomb - her father's in-house museum - by using the door on the left. When you're inside the room, go to the globe. Based on the artwork in Lara's collection, use the two wheels to turn the globe to 30 degrees North, 90 degrees East.

Then, climb the ladder near the center of the room. Once you're on top, go to the other side, towards the wheel. Use the right thumbstick to highlight its location if you can't find it. Turn the wheel all the way to the right until the lights shine through the two red circles.

Next, find the two statues with shields and swords, and move around the other statues to align those two with the two red circles on the ground. In order to free the White Queen, go to the globe and move one of the wheels to open the gate. Then move the White Queen to the center, between the two knights to unlock the next room and cutscene.


Follow Jonah and help him lift the log he stops in front of. Then continue down that path all the way until you get to a broken bridge. Jump the bridge and proceed forward until you trigger a cutscene.

Trinity will be waiting. Use the mud and the foliage as cover to assassinate the Trinity mercenaries. After taking out the first mercenary, continue along the mud wall until you get to an opening, then go left. Climb the wall at the end and take out the mercenary standing on top. Jonah will help you take out the rest. After taking out one of the armored mercenaries, chase after the second one.

When all the enemies have been taken out, start running through the cave. (Remember to loot along the way, so that you can craft a fire arrow.) Use one of the fire arrows to torch the debris blocking the cave's exit and then continue down the path until you reach the city.

Page 4 of 10: Kuwaq Yaku


After the cutscene ends and you leave Jonah, head to the other side of Kuwaq Yaku. Open the map to see the temple's exact location if need be. (Note: You may also perform side missions in this town.) When you get to the temple, walk inside and a cutscene will begin.

Jump into the water and start swimming to the left. Stay underwater as much as you can and keep swimming until you reach an opening in a wooden fence. Swim through it. You'll then be in an area with lots of enemies. Try to take them out without alerting anyone. If you do happen to alert the enemy, then more will show up. (To determine who is safe to assassinate and who isn't, click the right thumbstick - people highlighted yellow are safe to take out.)

You can save/rest at the campsite immediately after taking out those enemies. When you're ready, continue forward. If you have the ability to do so, use the mud patch to cover yourself in mud before advancing to the next combat section (by climbing through the hole in the fence). Take out all the enemies in this area - one-by-one, if possible. If not, an all-out fight is also possible in Shadow of the Tomb Raider.

After you're done taking out/fighting all the Trinity mercenaries, head through the yellow door that says "Porvenir" on it (pictured above) and drop down to the bottom. Follow that pathway until you get to a room on fire. Once there, turn right. Don't try to cross the line of fire. That will lead you into the temple, also on fire.

Next, you'll use the two wheels on both sides of the passageway to get to continue. Start with the right side. Turn the wheel until a bridge forms between you and the doorway on the right side. Cross the bridge and push on the tablet on the wall. Once it opens, head back to the wheel. Now, do the same for the left side. When that's open, head back to the middle area, but DON'T try to go down the middle passageway and open the door yet.

First, use the wheels again to align the three rows with their respective rows in the doorways you opened. For the right wheel, make sure to match the rows above the wheel with the rows on the right side of the column (see above). Do the same for the left side, and then open the door down the middle passageway. But when the second door appears, head back to the wheels.

This time, go to the left one first and you'll notice that this side shows the fourth row for both the left and right side wheels. Remember what the symbol for the fourth row is for the right side when you turn that wheel. Once you do that, you can open the second door. But there is still a third door to open, so again, head back to the middle area.

For the fifth row, check out Lara's journal and take a look at the Maya Date photo. The last row for the left wheel should be a 0. After that Jonah will tell you that the final number for the right wheel is 7 - a line across with two dots on top of it. The final columns for both sides should look like the image above. When they do, you can open the final door and proceed.

After the cutscene ends, go through the doorway on the left to trigger the next cutscene. When that's over, go through the door in front of you and jump down into the water. You'll have to dive underwater and proceed forward, but avoid running into piranhas; use the foliage for cover just like how you would avoid human enemies. Furthermore, be sure to go up for air every once in a while using the trapped air areas. Use the right thumbstick to highlight these areas.

Once you get to the open area (as shown above), go left and follow that path until you see a trapped air pocket. Use it to take another breath and then continue up the stairs. Hide in the foliage until the piranhas pass overhead, and then swim quickly down the next set of stairs. In the next area, take the stairs to the left and continue to swim quickly to get to the nearby trapped air pocket. After that, go up those stairs in front of you and then swim all the way up to get out of the temple.

Use the thumbstick to highlight the objective and start swimming towards that direction. Eventually, you'll get out of the water. Then, climb the wall directly in front, run to the right, and jump onto the tree branch to blend in. The game will then introduce you to a new assassination technique by using a rope arrow. Do that, as well as take out the second mercenary. Continue down that path until you get to the next cutscene. Once it ends, run forward and through the branches to get into the next combat area.

In this area, take your time to assassinate each enemy one-by-one. Remember to use the right thumbstick to highlight enemies that are safe for taking out. If you're in a good location, you can use your bow-and-arrow to kill enemies from afar without alerting the rest of the group. When you're done with that area, climb the wooden slats on the other side and hop onto the pathway below.

Continue down that path - going through the mud and all - until you get back to the front of the temple. When you're there, walk through the entrance (the hole in the wall) and turn left to head downstairs to meet up with Jonah.

Once you've been separated from Jonah, head down the staircase and jump into the water. Dive, and swim towards the crevice that has light emitting from it. Continue to swim towards the objective (use the right thumbstick to highlight it if you're lost), using the foliage to avoid any preying fish along the way.

When you emerge from the water, run up the ramp on the left and jump onto the white ledge. Continue to scale the red spider wall, moving from one white ledge to the next until you reach the end. Then, jump onto the wall on the right and begin climbing that using your pickax. When you reach the top, go forward, climb the white wall, and proceed forward until you reach the end of the pathway. Grapple onto the hanging rock and swing towards the ledge in front of you. You'll be at the Trial of the Eagle when you exit the cave.

Page 5 of 10: Trial of the Eagle


Continue down the path on the left until you get to the Eagle. Once there, go down to the right and grab a hold of the white beam on your left when you reach the end. Use that beam to get to clear the gap. When you reach the end of that area, turn left and cross that wooden beam and grab a hold of the ledge on the center column. Go left and continue down that path - including climbing and rappeling down the wall - until you reach the platform underneath.

Run to the other side of the column and wall scramble up that wall in front of you. Then, climb up and to the other side of that wall. Go down using the rappel and swing over to the right onto the next wall. Once on that wall, climb up until you're clear.

Rope tether the Winch and the column on the platform next to you. That will open up the sails. Once tethered, cross the beam and begin climbing the Winch (center column) - jump on the white-colored ladder when it crosses you. Be careful to avoid the wooden slats. Jump onto the white wall, instead, but don't climb up just yet. Wait until the rotating beam passes you, then climb up. You'll have to be quick as they keep coming.

Next, climb the rotating wall in front of you - but you'll have to be quick as it continually spins. Get to the top and go right (you can't access the next stage yet.) Once you're on the platform, jump towards the center column and continue along that path - including climbing up the wall and going left - until you get outside. Once you're outside, before you drop down, use your bow-and-arrow to shoot the rope directly across from you and break down the debris. Then shoot the life vest-like item behind the debris to bring it forward. Quickly jump down and go to the left, then shoot an arrow at the life vest to tether it to the standing post next to you. After that, go to the rotating column and rope tether the Winch to it, just like you did earlier in the trial.

From there, run and jump onto one of the white ladders. Climb up and quickly run to the center pillar to jump on it before one of the other beams knocks you down. Once you've got a hold of the ledge, go left and stand up on top of the beam. Then run towards the wall and use it to climb up to the next platform on the right.

Wall scramble up the Winch to get to the very top. Once there, run and jump onto the white-colored ledge. Climb down and begin to rappel. This is a tricky part. See the image above - you have to time your jump perfectly to land on the rotating wall, using it to climb up. It will break, and then you'll have to be quick to climb on top of it, run forward, and jump onto the final ledge to reach the end of the Trial.

Go left and continue down the path until you get to a chasm. To cross it, jump to and climb up the wall on the right side. Then climb to the top of the wooden stand. Run forward, jump, and use the post to swing over to the platform on the other side. Continue down that pathway until you're outside.

This next part can be tough. You'll need to use the grapple ax to attach to each swing to get across to the next platform. Make sure to generate enough momentum in your swing before jumping. You'll have to do this twice to reach the very end of this stage. In the second set of swings, the third one will give way so be sure to be quick to grapple onto the next swing before you fall. When you're out of that area, swan dive into the water, get out, and continue along the pathway until you get to the Hidden City. You'll know you're there when Lara says so, as well as the fact that there are lots of corpses lying around.

Page 6 of 10: The Hidden City


When you reach the entrance to the Hidden City, continue along the path until you trigger a cutscene. Once it ends, you'll be in Paititi - the Hidden City. Follow the Unuratu until she lets you explore on your own. If you want, you may perform additional side missions here. But to continue the main story, head to the market (click on the right thumbstick to locate it). You'll meet Unuratu there, and then she'll help you find the Box of Ix Chel. When you get close enough, you'll start another cutscene.

Once the cutscene is over, head to the base of the mountain to begin your search for the Eye of the Serpent. Use the map to locate the objective. Etzli will be waiting for you there.

Start running down the pathway once you enter the cave/mountain. When you reach the end of the path, using the post on the left to swing over to the wall directly in front of you (see above). Then, rappel down and swing over to the ledge. You'll then need to use the grapple ax to swing from one beam to the next - quickly.

You can save/rest at the campsite. When you're ready, continue up the stairs and start following the path towards the next objective. Once there - at the Belly of the Serpent - walk along the beam in front of you and jump onto the wall directly across. You'll need to wall scramble in order to grab onto the ledge. (If you're ever unsure about which direction to go, always look for the white-colored ledges.)

Walk over to the next beam and swing over to the wall across from you. Then, rappel down and gain enough momentum to swing to the left, towards the hanging wooden box. Climb on top and jump to the next wooden box. Climb on top of that and then wall scramble up to the top of that wall. Walk along the edge until you reach the end and then use the grapple ax to grab a hold of the ledge across from you.

Follow the path until you reach a wall. Climb the wall all the way to the top, then start going left, hopping from one ledge to the next. Lastly, climb down until you reach the platform.

Use the right thumbstick to highlight the objective's location - start walking in that direction and Lara will eventually have to crawl through a shute full of dead bodies. When you get to the room in which the people (read: rebels) are prepared for sacrifice, assassinate the cultist and proceed to the objective and break down the wall using the pickax.

When you go through the wall, you'll arrive at the Head of the Serpent. First step is to jump and grab a hold of the wall directly in front of you using the grapple ax. Then, rappel down to reach the ground.

To burn the barrier blocking the doorway, go the duct on the left and use the bow-and-arrow to rope tether to open up the passageway. That will fill the center gap with oil and blood. Then, use the center console to light the pool of oil and blood on fire. After you've done that, continue down into the cave, using the wall at the end of the path to rappel down to the bottom.

Once you're in the blood-letting chamber, you'll have to burn down the next barrier. Use your bow-and-arrow to rope tether the post directly across from the center console. But before you can open the fire pit, you'll need to go down to the bottom level and turn the second wheel.

Rope tether both pillars together, and use the first pillar to turn the second wheel until they are both aligned. After you do that, go back to the top, release the oil and blood, and then open the fire pit to burn down the barrier. If it doesn't work, then the tracks aren't aligned properly. (Make sure they look like the tracks shown in the image above.) Note that you'll need to use the first wheel to turn the second wheel into place, then untether both wheels so that you can turn the first wheel separately. When the barrier is down, continue down the path until you reach a cutscene.

After the cutscene ends and Trinity takes Etzli, start running down the path, climbing whatever you can until the context-sensitive event ends. Then, when you've lost Trinity, use the map to head back to Unuratu.

Page 7 of 10: The Mountain Temple/Cenote


After speaking with Unuratu, head to the Mountain Temple. Use the map to locate its entrance. When you're inside, jump onto the wall directly in front of you and rappel down to the ground. Once the cutscene ends, jump the barrier and continue down the path - crossing the beam - towards the campsite. Use the right thumbstick to determine the exact direction of the objective. You'll encounter the first enemy after you slide down a rope.

Assassinate the Trinity member and continue up the stairs towards the objective. There will be two more enemies in the next room. Wait until they are safe to assassinate. When you get to the next area, you'll be in a combat zone. Go to the right and use the mud patch to apple mud onto yourself so that you can blend in with the walls. After you've killed everyone, click the right thumbstick to show the objective's location on the top of the wall. Wall scramble up the wooden wall on the door's right side to reach the top.

When Lara leaves Unuratu, continue outside until you see the Eye of the Serpent. Go right and jump onto the wall directly across. Then go left. When you reach the end of the wall, jump towards the white ledge on the left side. Go all the way to the right and use that wall beneath you to climb down and then rappel down just far enough until you are aligned with the post. Swing over to that post and use it to jump onto the wall in front of it. Rappel down to the ground. Then, run forward and use the grapple ax to swing over to the next platform.

Jump onto the wall in front of you and rappel down as far as you can. When you've hit the max length, let go and fall into the water beneath you. Dive under and swim to the other side of the cave. Resurface and continue down that path - even using the rope tether to zip line over to the next platform - until you reach a new campsite.

After saving/resting, go into the ruins and follow the path. You'll have to dive all the way down to the water. Once you've done that, start swimming towards the temple. Dive down and use the right thumbstick to determine the objective's location. Swim fast as you'll likely run out of air before you reach the other side.

Be sure to watch out for traps inside the temple. When you get to the opening area, jump onto the ledge in front of you and climb up the wall. Then, jump to the ledge on the left side, go around it to the left, and climb down the wall. You'll need to rappel down after a certain point. Go down far enough until you are about leveled with the platform in front. Start swinging to generate enough momentum to jump.

Continue up that path until you get to the next traversal area. (Be warned, there is a slight jump scare here.) Jump onto the ledge in front and climb up to the top. Walk alongside that ledge and then jump to the wall off to Lara's right-hand side. Climb down as far as you can and then start to rappel down until you reach the white discoloration on the wall. Swing over to the next wall on your left. Climb up and wall scramble to the top. Continue on that ledge until you have to climb up the next wall and wall scramble again.

When you've reached the top, cut down the soldier's body hanging in the center of the archway to take his shotgun. You can use the campsite if you wish. Otherwise, continue forward and use the shotgun to break the next barrier. Follow that path until a man jumps out at you. When you fall into the arena, use your weapons to kill all the enemies that come after you.

After a certain point, a barrier will break. Kill the final enemies and climb that wall. Continue down that path towards the objective. At the wheel, use your bow-and-arrow to rope tether both wheels. But before you start turning with your pickax, dive into the water and unblock the mechanism. Once you've done that, go back up and start turning the wheel to create an opening for yourself in the water. Swim through the cavern until you reach the surface on the other side.

At the next traversal location, jump to the wall on the right and rappel down far enough for you to be able to swing to the platform on the left side. Then run and jump onto the next wall and rappel down. You should trigger a cutscene, which will drop you into the water. Swim to the other side of the wheel and get out of the water. An enemy will attack you when you get out the water.

Two more enemies will pop out as you go through the cave and continue along the path. When you get to the wheel, make sure the middle aqueduct is facing all the way to the right. Then, go along the walkway on the right-hand side to reach that duct. Jump on top of it and climb up to the very top duct (the one with a dragon on the front of it.) Remove the debris, then go back to the wheel. You'll need to rope tether each aqueduct (one at a time), turning them so that they align with each other (by turning the bottom two all the way to the right and the top one to the left.)

After you defeat all the enemies, dive into the water and go towards the objective's location by using the right thumbstick to highlight it. When you resurface on the other side, take out the remaining enemies and then perform the same task on this side as you did earlier - get the water flowing to the wheel. However, you'll only need to turn two of the ducts this time. But first, dive into the water and remove the debris blocking the bottom duct.

Once you've opened the gate, a cutscene will start. When the cutscene ends, continue running - following the designated path - until you've reached the water. Dive and swim to the other side.

When you surface out of the water, continue to follow the path, climbing up the wall directly in front of you. Jump to the wall on the right, and then onto the platform - again on the right. (You won't be able to climb up yet unless you have the necessary gear.) Once you're on the platform, go right through the crevice (pictured above). After the cutscene, you'll now have the gear needed to climb up to the top of the rock.

After reaching the top, continue down that path until you reach an opening. Don't jump down. Instead, jump onto the wall on the left, and using the overhang climbing gear to cross the gap. When you reach the rock on the other side of the gap, run forward to the wall directly in front. Wall scramble up and start climbing it, following the path of the eroded rock. At a certain point, you'll need to jump up and grab a hold of a few ledges to get to the next rock climbing section. When you reach that point, don't worry, just keep following the path.

Upon reaching the top, go forward and hop over the hole in the rock. Dive in the water and use the right thumbstick to determine the objective's location. Swim that way and you'll trigger a cutscene when you emerge out of the water. You can save/rest at the campsite nearby. At this point, you'll be back in The Hidden City.

Page 8 of 10: Rebellion Lives, Riverbed, & Porvenir Oil Fields


When you're ready, head towards Unuratu's, but before you get there, Jonah will provide you with another location. Go there. After formulating a plan with Jonah and Uchu, go meet Etzli in Upper Paititi. Use the map to locate the objective. Once you're in the cultists' territory, continue along the path, following the highlighted objective. (You can rest/save at the campsite if you wish.)

After speaking with Etzli, heard toward the guards in front of you and proceed down the stairs. (You may rescue Hakan from the cultists if you choose, but that is a side mission.) Continue towards the objective after the cutscene between Unuratu and Dominguez concludes.

When you've reached the outside, go left and jump onto the wall. Use the walls and ledges to go all the way right, and then rappel down when you hit the dead end. Use the rappel to swing over to the next wall, but you'll have to cross that area quickly for the wall will start to crumble, then jump onto the ledge to the left. Go left a few feet and wall scramble up to the top ledge. Then hop over to the wall on the left. Once there, rappel down and swing forward towards the ground.

The traversal isn't over yet, though. Now, run forward and climb the wall directly in front of you. When you reach the top of the rock, use the grapple ax to reach the next ledge, but be careful - the ledge will collapse immediately and you'll have to Press X to grab onto the ledge underneath it. Continue to follow the route to the left until you reach the top of the next rock. At that point, use the rope tether to create a rope line you can cross with.

Next, use the post to your right to jump over to the ledge in front of it. Go right and climb that wall. When you hit the end, use the grapple ax to jump over to the overhanging rock on the right side. Climb up to the rock and start crossing over to the right, following the path of the eroded rock. Then, jump up, from ledge to ledge, until you reach the top of the rock. Lastly, wall scramble up the white wall in front of you to enter Unuratu's cell.

Follow the highlighted objective to escape the cell using your pickax. After Lara jumps down, create a rope tether to reach the bottom platform. Climb around and take out the guard standing above. Then, grapple onto the wall directly across from you. Climb up and continue on the ledge going left, and take out the next guard. Once the cutscene ends, follow Unuratu across the bridge and into the temple.

When the cutscene ends, continue to follow Unuratu up the stairs, through the temple, and into the courtyard. You'll follow her past the sacrifice scene and into the tomb's entrance. After leaving Unuratu, run down the stairs and climb the wall directly in front of you. Run up and jump onto the eroded wall. Follow the white-painted ledges to the left and up the wall at the end. Continue to follow the white-paint until you reach the top of the statue's right hand.

Then, use the grapple hook to swing over to the statue's left hand. Finally, jump and grapple onto the ledge in front of you to enter the tomb. Use the right thumbstick to determine the objective's location and continue to follow the path towards it, and you'll trigger a cutscene.

Clear the area of enemies after the cutscene ends, using the brush and foliage to hide yourself, and then continue down the pathway towards the objective, going through the crevice in the wall to trigger another cutscene.


Immediately proceed towards the mud patch on the right side and use it to apply mud onto yourself so that you may blend in with the mud walls. Use those walls, as well as the surrounding foliage, to take out all the enemies in the area. When you're done, climb the wall under the floodlight and continue along that path until you reach the next combat zone.

When you get out of the water, note that you'll need to reapply mud to yourself in order to blend in with the mud walls. You can do that and then take out the next group of enemies. After that, follow the trail to the objective's location, including jumping the gap and then climbing up the eroded wall. You can rest/save at the campsite at the top of the rock.


In the next combat area - after Lara is done talking to Commander Rourke - some of the enemies will have thermal goggles on. You won't be able to hide in the shrub, so be sure to take out those guys first. It will be best if you have unlocked the double assassination skill, in which you can take out two enemies at once. It helps prevent Lara from alerting enemies nearby. Continue towards the objective, through the crevice in the wooden hut, after you've taken out all the enemies.

Just like the previous combat area, this one has enemies using thermal goggles. Wait until they're done looking through the foliage, then assassinate them. Also, use nearby objects to distract enemies as well as sabotaging the generators to lure other enemies. When you're done, follow the highlighted objective, up the wall, towards the oil refinery.

In order to reach the oil refinery, jump onto the eroded rock directly across the gap and rappel down to the bottom. After the cutscene ends, continue down the path and climb the tree at the dead end. Use the Jaguar's Fear arrows to hit certain targets, forcing them to lose their minds and shoot anyone nearby. But, remember, you need to have supplies to craft more. Clear out the area of enemies before advancing to the next area.

Use the right thumbstick to highlight the objective's next location. Go through that broken, wooden wall towards the oil refinery's bridge. When you get there, a cutscene will start. Once it ends, start running. This will be an intense sequence, climbing up and around the oil refinery tower as quickly as possible. If you can't go left or right - only up - then remember to wall scramble if need be. Most of the time, the camera will urge you in a particular direction to guide you along. You'll trigger another cutscene when you reach the top of the tower.

When the cutscene ends, Lara will have an automatic rifle in her hands. Use it to take out all the enemies in the area. It's best to shoot the oil drums to create explosions. That's the only way to move on from the area and destroy the helicopter that arrives.

Page 9 of 10: Mission of San Juan


Follow Abby down the stairs on the right and meet her friend, Sara. After that, use the right thumbstick to determine the library's location on the other side of the mission, and meet Jonah there.

In the library, go around the corner of the bookshelf on your immediate right and head towards the wall to break it down. Use the right thumbstick to highlight its location if needed. Examine it, and then go upstairs, where you'll see an open book on a desk near a hole in the ground. Examine it. Then, head to the end of the room and break down the semi-broken wall on the left side. After examining, meet Jonah near the big mural downstairs.

Once the cutscene ends, head to the room on the other side of the library - directly across from you. Break down the wall and help Jonah move the cross. It'll drop you into the crypt.

In order to open the next door, move the cart into place so that the light may bounce off that mirror into the one above the door. Follow Jonah into the next room and then "speak" to him when he stops at the Virgin Mary statue. Doing so will have Lara climb on top of his shoulders to wipe off the dusty mirror so that the light can reflect into the following area.

In Station Four, use the wheel in the center of the room to turn the mirror on top of it. There are multiple options that will lead to Lara's death. The "correct" option is turning the mirror to the fresco on the left. That will drop you below into Station Five.

Going into the next room will be Station Six. Go to the cart on the left side first and move it into place so that the light can reflect off the mirror. Then, use the wheel to turn the mirror to the second section. Do the same for the cart on the right side of the room. Once it's in place, turn the wheel, reflecting the mirror to the first section from the left. Lara will uncover the Box of Ix Chel after you open the chamber.

Start swimming towards the highlighted objective. You'll need to swim fast so as to not run out of air. Eventually, you'll surface back in the library where Trinity will be holding Jonah captive.

Take out the enemies in the area after exiting the church. Remember to cover Lara with mud so that you can hide using the mud walls. Once all the enemies are killed, use the right thumbstick to locate the entrance to the next combat area. You'll have to take out all the enemies in that area as well before moving to the next location - by climbing the wooden gate in the center of the courtyard.

Use the foliage on the farm to assassinate all the enemies, but be careful, some of them roam in groups of two or more. Continue towards the objective when you're done with that area. In the next zone, you'll have to use your weapons to blow up the nearby canisters and kill all the enemies in the house. When they've all been taken out, run into the house and break open the gate on the right side.

A flood will start immediately after the cutscene ends. Jump the gap in front of you and start running down that road. Stay on that road - including jumping on top of a truck and leaping onto a ledge - until you reach the second downed power line. At that point, go through the building on the left, not towards the car sliding down on the right side.

When the ground breaks and Lara starts sliding down with the mudslide, jump when she reaches the end. You can choose to go left or right once you reach the floating rock. It's easier to go right, using the telephone line to slide down to the broken house. You'll need to use the grapple hook to swing over to the next portion once you reach the end of that house. This will happen multiple times in succession - sliding down an area, jumping at the end, and using the grapple to swing over to the next part. Continue to highlight the posts you need to grapple onto by using the right thumbstick.

Page 10 of 10: City of the Serpent


Speaking to Etzli will start Shadow of the Tomb Raider's endgame; it's a point of no return for Lara Croft. Start by diving and swimming towards the highlighted objective. Be sure to go up for air whenever a trapped air pocket shows up. You'll resurface on the other side, and Lara will see Trinity blow up the bridge.

After speaking to Jonah, start running down the path, using the grapple hook at the end to swing over to the eroded wall. Go right and up. When you reach the top, start running forward and use the post ahead to swing over to the wooden ledge, which will break when Lara grabs a hold of it. Then, jump over to the ledge in front of you, specifically towards the white-painted part. Continue down that path.

At the end of the path, Lara will be standing on top of a log. Look up and jump towards the eroded rock using the grapple hook. Climb up to the rock and go right, jumping over to the next portion on the right side. Then, rappel down and swing over to the white-painted ledge. Lastly, use your bow-and-arrow to create a rope tether for Lara to slide down, which will trigger a cutscene with the Crimson Fire.

Follow the Crimson Fire ahead, and start traversing the area by using the post in front to swing onto the eroded rock. (Continue to follow the Yaaxil.) Jump onto the next portion of the rock on the right side and use the grapple hook to swing onto the wooden bridge. Run down that path and wall scramble up the white-painted wall. Go left and climb up the next wall, going all the way up to the top.

After seeing Trinity's reinforcements arrive and hearing Commander Rourke on the communicator, start running down the path in front of you, eventually using the grapple hook to swing onto the rock wall. A helicopter will shoot the wall, so the rock will start to crumble, which means you'll have to climb fast to reach the top. Be sure to follow the white-painted lines in order to correctly traverse the area. When you reach the top, walk towards the temple entrance to trigger the final cutscene before the game's final boss battle starts.

When the battle starts, use your weapons to take out all the Trinity mercenaries in your way. You'll eventually reach Rourke at the top of the road. Once you take out all the enemies, the Yaaxil will overrun Rourke and kill him.

Lara will be on her own after this point. Go up the white-painted wall on the right side, then run down the wooden path. Continue to follow the highlighted objective by using the right thumbstick. At the end of the path, climb up the wall and then up the wooden slats. When you reach the top, run along the wooden log, jump forward, and use the grapple hook to grab onto the white-painted ledge directly across.

Once at the top, the ground will break the moment you start to run forward, so be ready to jump at the end and grapple onto the hook so that you can swing over to the next rock wall. Climb up that wall, and then grapple onto the next eroded rock when you reach the top. But instead of climbing up, start swinging side-to-side so that you can jump around the corner. Time will momentarily slow down, allowing you to grapple onto the hook and swing over to the next wooden slat.

When it crashes against the wall, start climbing up. And when you reach the eroded rock part, immediately hop over to the rocks on the right side. Then continue to climb up, following the white-painted lines. The eroded rock at the top will start to crumble, though, so go right - around the corner - when that happens. Jump over to the next rock wall on the right side using the grapple hook to latch onto it. Climb all the way up to the top to reach Dominguez.


There are multiple stages in this final battle, so make sure you have enough supplies to make medkits. First, take out anyone who is patrolling the area. Then, destroy the backs of the icons that are feeding energy into the Trinity high council and Dominguez himself. But every time you destroy one of the icons, a group of enemies will attack you, so do this in waves. (You'll have to do this three times in total, destroying three icons.) If you're low on ammo, check the surrounding area for ammo drops. When you destroy the final icon, a Kulkukan-powered Dominguez will start to attack you himself.

Start shooting at him, weakening him as much as possible. Eventually, you'll hurt him enough that he'll go into a form of stasis, seemingly forcing him to release his energy/power stored inside him. When that happens - you'll notice by a giant, bright field surrounding him as well as a loud pulsing sound - attack him directly and stab him. You'll repeat this process five times in total to defeat him. But be careful, he obtains the ability to teleport after a certain point, thus enabling him to creep up behind you. When that happens, immediately start to dodge/roll out of the way.


Once Amaru/Dominguez is defeated, a long cutscene will start, bringing Shadow of the Tomb Raider as well as Square Enix's rebooted Tomb Raider trilogy to an end. Congratulations!

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